Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Do Men Think? I Know All the Answers

Story: Last week in my Chinese class, instead of talking about Chinese literature we talked about the Honor Code at BYU-Idaho. Let me just give you my thoughts on it before I expound on what other people said. Follow it; if you don't like it, leave. That's about it.

The argument was about the same old thing that people argue about every time. Why can't I have a beard? What's wrong with wearing shorts? I'm 25 and unmarried. Why do I need a curfew?

I can't grow a beard, my legs are too hairy and white to wear shorts, and I'm married so I don't have a curfew. I can see how this can be frustrating to some people. But get this. You can grow a beard over your break, wear shorts on the weekends, and you get more sleep at night if you are in earlier. What's the big deal? Stop whining about it already. Go to BYU. They let everything slide there.

My teacher came in the next class period and told us a story. He was walking to his car and he saw a girl wearing a tight shirt that said "Bad Kitty" on it with a skull and cross bones. Combine those with jeans and she is technically dressed according to honor code. (However, I don't know if anyone has the audacity to wear that into a church building). In any case, modest fitting capris and a button up shirt is against the dress code. Hmmm....

Now, I am the only female in my Chinese class now. These gentlemen were talking about how girls kinda dress slutty without knowing it. One guy said, "If only girls knew what guys thought, they wouldn't dress that way". But don't worry; I know.

Okay, maybe I don't REALLY know. But I do know a few things. First of all, don't wear a low cut shirt. Guys eyes to a low cut shirt are like flies attracted to light. No matter where the fly is, he will always move to the light even though I'm standing there with my fly swatter. Maybe that was a bad example since I'm horrible with a fly swatter and never kill any bugs. But it's still a dangerous situation.

Don't wear things to tight. Nobody wants to see your skin folds. Now, unless you are anorexic, you have skin folds. Everyone does. And if you're anorexic, nobody wants to see your bones.

Short shorts and belly shirts? Don't make me vomit. College folk are too old for that "Fashion". It's out of style. Get over it.

So, I don't know what guys think and frankly, I NEVER want to know. And trust me, you don't have to dress like my grandma. There are still fashionable ways to look sexy but not a slut. I mean, look at me. Aside from my maternity pants, I am a fashion eye-con!

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