Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Desire? Bah! Yeah Right.

Out of the kindness of my heart, I offered to buy my sister some of these:

Let's take another look:

Her favorite candy. Delish don't you think?

And do you know what she said to that!

"No thanks, I don't even have the desire to eat those."

I couldn't help by roll my eyes in disgust. Who would turn down something like that?

Well, I did know that she and my mom were in a competition to see who could stay off sweets the longest. They invited me into this little game of theirs and even said the winner gets to go on a $50 shopping spree for a new outfit.

Now in my mind I'm thinking, "No sweets until someone breaks? Yeah, I don't think so. I'll be down $50 within the next week."

I lost a ton of weight after pregnancy, mostly because I was sick and didn't want to eat, but the doc told me that I need to eat more, increase my calories. Naturally I thought cookies, ice cream, and candy bars were the perfect way to add some calories to my diet. And then...

BAM! My rear got a little too big. Embarrassing enough, almost too big for my maternity jeans.

My kid has a nanny. And yes, she is a nanny. She and I are good friends and we decided to challenge each other in a no-cookie-or-ding-dong eating challenge. We gave ourselves one week. Whoever eats a cookie during that week has to make the other person a batch of cookies (I know, kinda defeats the purpose). Luckily my nanny ate a ding dong a couple days later and tried to hide it from me. Of course I found out. So we did double or nothing and added an extra week to the bet.

That was two weeks ago.

So, today I walked down the candy aisle because oddly enough it is in the same aisle as the bread. And you know what I said in my head? "No thanks. I don't have the desire."

I even made a Vegetarian Lasagna today.

And now I have to admit to my sister and mother that they were right. Eating more healthy foods feels better.

Just a little update: My mom and sister (more my sister) did end up eating those m&ms. Nearly the entire bag.


  1. hahahaa! shut up! shut up! shut up! first of all I did not eat the entire bag and second of all look at you miss healthy. Mom will be so proud!

  2. hahahahahah
    I love that you have a nanny.
    And I love that you made a bet with her
    And I love love that she ate a ding dong and tried to hide it from you.
