Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My First Trip to Goodwill

This may come as a surprise to you, but I'm allergic to Goodwill. No really. I am.

I went on a nice trip to CA where I spent time with my fam. On a routine trip to Costco, I was forced by my sister and sister-in-law to stop by Goodwill. They promised me that we would only be in there for 10 minutes. Little did I know...

Okay, confession: I almost liked it.

So back to me being allergic. I really am. I couldn't stop sneezing, crying, and rashing up.

Confession: I actually bought stuff. By me buying stuff, I mean, I didn't have my wallet on me and my sister bought it and I totally forgot to pay her back. My bad Amanda. I'll get that money to you.

Moral of the story is, Goodwill is actually a good store. Now, in Rexburg, used clothes are not desirable because people don't donate their clothes until their worn thin with holes in them. However, Goodwill in CA? Not bad.

Okay, that story was really boring. Sorry.

What's wrong with me? Had a baby and now I tell boring stories about Goodwill.

1 comment:

  1. Don't loved every minute and got about six shirts for yourself and four for your hubby. You need to post pictures of the amazing goods Ashley picked out for you. Oh, and you forgot to mention that you never actually picked anything out, but rather stood there while Ashley and I did all the hard work. Wait, that's what always happens when you go shopping....
