Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Idaho vs California: Pros and Cons

I live in Idaho.  When I'm here in Idaho, I think, "Wow!  This place isn't that bad.  I could live here for a few more years."  Then when I go to California to visit, I think, "What was I thinking liking Idaho so much.  California is the place to be!"

Now, growing up in California, I am a little bias.  I know there are a lot of pros and cons to each place and what I think is a con, some people think is a pro.  So I think I should break it down. Mostly for myself so I can see it on paper.  I don't like writing on paper, so I decided to type it out and let everyone know my thoughts.

Speed Limits:
Idaho:  Speed limit is 40?  Oh, that means I can go 40 and under.
California:  Speed limit 40?  I have to drive at LEAST 40 mph.
Winner: California

Idaho:  White, white, white, white, white, really tan, white, white.
California:  There are so many people from so many different backgrounds!  We can learn about different cultures and more importantly, eat more food from different backgrounds.
Winner: California

Idaho:  We have crime.  There was a murder here 2 or 3 years ago on Christmas Eve.  Some lady was beaten with a pool stick just a few blocks away from my house.  I've seen some people use illegal drugs.
California:  When I went to visit in September, I watched the 30 minute local news at 5, and in the first 15 minutes they had 4 murders to report.  I even saw a ton of drug deals go down in high school.
Winner: Idaho

Idaho:  When we moved here, a lot of people went out of their way to say hi to us and introduce themselves.  I usually get nice smiles from people at the super market.
California:  This might be sad on my part, but we had new neighbors move in next door when I was like 7 or 8.  It wasn't until high school when a neighbor's house across the street went on fire at 4:30 in the morning that we met our neighbor.  I don't know anyone who lives on the street that I grew up on.  Again, could just be me.
Winner: Idaho

Idaho:  Where we live, we actually have the most restaurants per capita in the United States.  Unfortunately most of those are fast food places.  Also, it's really sad when the best Chinese food restaurant is Panda Express because we all know in California Panda Express is pretty low on the list.  So, we have tons of food here, just not good stuff.
California: In and Out
Winner: California

There is actually so much more, but this post is too lame to write more.  I'm pretty sure California is going to win.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Does My Vote Even Count?

Confession: I don't plan on voting in the Presidential election.  Is that a bad thing?  I mean, I do have ideas about government stuff, but nothing too strong.  But really though, I live in Idaho which I'm pretty sure will have the highest percentage of all the states in the United States voting for Romney.  Whoever I vote for doesn't seem to matter.  Plus, doesn't Idaho only have like 2 electoral votes anyway?  I use to know a little more about that stuff, but since high school I haven't had to learn about that stuff, so I never did.  I should.  Maybe I should set a goal.  I don't know.

Another thing: I have quite a few friends on facebook.  600 something?  Well, a good chunk of them are from Taiwan and don't care about America.  Point is, I can only think of 2 people that are pro Obama people.  Are all my friends really that conservative?  I always liked to consider myself someone who likes diversity, but obviously not that much since every single post that I read on facebook is always a pro Romney one.

Wow, this is really boring.

Point is, I don't think I am going to vote.  I should.  I just don't want to choose the wrong person or vote one way because everyone else is.  I want to research it on my own.  Unfortunately, I'm not putting in the effort.  An hour and a half to watch a presidential debate seems like a long time when I have a small child.  Can someone just sum up for me in 2 paragraphs or less what each presidential candidate wants?  It would make my decision a lot easier.

Then again, maybe I'll just ask Kate or Mackenzie who to vote for.  They like that stuff.

Just bring on voting Tuesday.  Tell me who wins, and I'll bake cupcakes with the appropriate color frosting.