Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Does My Vote Even Count?

Confession: I don't plan on voting in the Presidential election.  Is that a bad thing?  I mean, I do have ideas about government stuff, but nothing too strong.  But really though, I live in Idaho which I'm pretty sure will have the highest percentage of all the states in the United States voting for Romney.  Whoever I vote for doesn't seem to matter.  Plus, doesn't Idaho only have like 2 electoral votes anyway?  I use to know a little more about that stuff, but since high school I haven't had to learn about that stuff, so I never did.  I should.  Maybe I should set a goal.  I don't know.

Another thing: I have quite a few friends on facebook.  600 something?  Well, a good chunk of them are from Taiwan and don't care about America.  Point is, I can only think of 2 people that are pro Obama people.  Are all my friends really that conservative?  I always liked to consider myself someone who likes diversity, but obviously not that much since every single post that I read on facebook is always a pro Romney one.

Wow, this is really boring.

Point is, I don't think I am going to vote.  I should.  I just don't want to choose the wrong person or vote one way because everyone else is.  I want to research it on my own.  Unfortunately, I'm not putting in the effort.  An hour and a half to watch a presidential debate seems like a long time when I have a small child.  Can someone just sum up for me in 2 paragraphs or less what each presidential candidate wants?  It would make my decision a lot easier.

Then again, maybe I'll just ask Kate or Mackenzie who to vote for.  They like that stuff.

Just bring on voting Tuesday.  Tell me who wins, and I'll bake cupcakes with the appropriate color frosting.


    Because it's the right thing to do. Because democrats are baby killers.
    Do you like killing babies? Not voting is like killing babies.
    Don't kill babies.

  2. HAHA! Keltzie, you're right! I will vote! No more baby killers! Why did I even stress about it when I could have asked you! You da bomb.
