Thursday, June 9, 2011

Okay, It's Time to Complain

Really mad right now. Okay, I'm not ridiculously mad. Just really frustrated. You know what really sucks about changing your major more than half-way through college? Signing up for classes. Usually people pick a major before they start college and take their major classes with their general ed. That way they can sign up for their major classes and fill in the gaps with the hundreds of general ed classes available. I chose to do it a different way.

Before I went on a mission, I completed all my general ed classes and took some classes in my Math major. When I came home, I changed my major to Biology and it has been a pain in the butt.

I love biology. But the thing that really is awful about being a biology major at my school is that signing up for classes is a pain in the butt. I could tell you the long story, but it will just make me really mad. Here's the short version:

After hours of trying to figure out my classes, I had the perfect schedule for me to graduate on time. However, two classes overlapped by 15 minutes! You know what that means? That 15 minutes of time has cost me and extra semester in college.

I'm trying not to be bitter towards the two teachers that shot down my proposal of missing 7 1/2 minutes of each of their classes. Big deal. I don't pay attention to the last 10 minutes anyway.

I'm done telling my story, but I'm still mad and rambling and venting helps me calm down and prevents me from swearing.

I went on a jog today. I'm out of shape.

I can't stop thinking about how mad I am. I need to calm down. I guess an extra semester will be fun. I mean, what's wrong with just staying in Rexburg an extra 4 months? I have an extra 4 months to update my "In and Around Rexburg" blog. And paying an extra semester of tuition? Eh. Lots of people go to college for 7 years. Oh, and don't forget the extra semester I get to pay for a nanny. I mean, I love having someone work for me. I'm finally a boss.

Okay, I fell better now.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me mad too! who do they think they are?!?! I would run too, but I'm content with my out of shape-ness. I would so be your nanny if I lived there!
