Monday, November 5, 2012

The "No Food" Diet

I was ashamed at first.  Really ashamed actually.  I didn't even tell my own mother and I've known for a month, but now I'm ready to tell the world!

I have gestational diabetes aka pregnant lady diabetes.

I was so ashamed because I didn't really understand what it was.  I thought only really really overweight people and candy bar addicts were diabetic.  Then I was thinking of everyone that I know that is diabetic, and they're not fat, so I don't know what I was thinking.

Turns out, I eat too many carbs and my body just can't process it as a pregnant lady.  The only tough thing about this for me is that the only thing that I every want to eat is carbs, bread mostly.  I use to go through like 2 bags of bagels and 4 loaves of bread in a week because that is all that I can keep down.  Well, can't do that anymore.

On Friday, I went to a meeting to learn about how to use my finger pricker to test my blood sugar (4 times/day) and learn about how to keep my gestational diabetes under control.  I pretty much learned that I can't really eat anything.

Maybe I'm just frustrated.  The only junk I can eat is veggies and really, who craves those?  I like them usually, but not during pregnancy so much.  I'm a tiny person, well, use to be in high school and college.  So what I tip the scale a little more than Mr BMI says I should.  No biggie.  Well, my stomach just doesn't have room for a whole meal at a time, so I do a lot of snacking.  Now, I don't know what to snack on if I can't eat fruit or bread.

Then I'm all worried because I haven't really gained enough weight this pregnancy, but I was a pretty hefty lady before I became with child.

But I'm trying to be positive.  I can't really be positive now because I'm so angry that I can't eat, so I'm planning for the future.

Word on the street is that as soon as the umbilical chord is cut, I no longer have gestational diabetes.  Word!  So I have my menu all planned out: Tuna fish sandwich, 3 candy bars: Reeses, Twix, and Snickers, and a nice big glass of juice!  V8 Splash to be exact.

Then I have to get back to real life and exercise again and cook real meals.  But really, props to people who always have the 200g carbs thing for the rest of their lives.  I can't imagine.  I was just thinking, on Saturday we have primary practice for the program on Sunday and I can't even eat the donuts and juice that they will be serving.  I usually don't like to eat that kind of stuff at church anyway because I want other people to think that I eat healthy foods, but now that I can't have it, it's just devastating.  At least before I had that option.

I'm done.


  1. this is hilarious, but I feel guilty for thinking so. Doesn't gestational diabetes mean your baby will be big? I would think that's more scary than not eating some donuts. You would have cute chunkster babies!!

    And I'm on a big smoothie kick, I'd totally suggest it. Strawberries and bananas all day errry day! hah

  2. Keltzie! I would totally eat smoothies all day long if I could! But my regular smoothie puts me over my limit of carbs! Can you believe they will only let me eat half a banana at a time! What kind of crap is that!

    Plus, I want a little chunkster baby. They said my baby is measuring super tiny so I guess a little diabetes wouldn't hurt. Then I heard they get really big shoulders and it scared me thinking that a little baby with football shoulder pads would come out.

  3. Yeah, that sucks big time!! You and John definitely need to treat yourselves to a night out at that Brazilian Grill place.

    Also, I'm sure there's websites diabetics have that you could find some good tips and recipes from. You should try to look some up.
