Monday, January 30, 2012

My Life Changed, You Want to Hear About It?

I have absolutely nothing to say.

But for fear of peer pressure from my sister, and a goal to update my blog once a month, I'm here typing for no reason.

However, I did already update my blog once this month, so this entry isn't even necessary.

But since I'm already here, I might as well blog about nothing.  I mean, "nothing" is in the title of my blog.

I'm a stay at home mama!  I have to admit, I'm not very good at it.  You should have seen me at the beginning of the month.  I was a wreck.  I would play with Olivia, then try to do dishes, then I would say to myself, "I've got all day!  I can do them later."  Then as later came, I would think, "Eh, dirty to day, dirty tomorrow.  I can clean them tomorrow."  Then what?

Oh, and don't forget about the part where I had triple chins!  That needed to change.

I was pretty lonely too.  I just moved a whole THIRTY MINUTES from where I use to live.  Where in Idaho Land, that pretty much means I moved to a different state.  I could call my friend (no plural here) in Rexburg to come visit me, but I didn't want to inconvenience anyone.

Look at me now!  Boo Ya!  My sister told me not to say that anymore because it ages me, but I don't know the new cool lingo.  But really, look at me now!  My house is pretty clean.  I vacuum at lease once every day.  The dishes are usually done, but I still slack on that.  I have gotten into a really good schedule now.  I have a calendar written out of things that I need to do and I cross stuff out that I already did.  Then if I did something that wasn't on my calendar, I write it on there anyway so that I can cross it out.  Then at night, I see more things crossed off and feel more accomplished.

"I eat books."  Whoever can name that quote gets a dollar.

I read books now.  I have a goal to read a book every month.  I've read three so far, but one of them was a Goosebumps book that I read in 90 minutes, so I don't think that counts.  If you have any recommendations, I'll take them.

On Sunday when we Skyped my family and John's family, both the fathers said my face looked skinnier.  I'm not sure if John asked them to say that or not, but it certainly felt good.  I would show you a picture, but I never took pictures at my obese state, so you might think I'm still super fat.  I've been running on our treadmill and walking forever.  Then the occasional Pilates for my abs and other large muscles.  I've also been keeping tract of my calories on  YOU should use it so you can be my friend, see what I eat, and hound me when I don't exercise.

When I first moved here, I would go for walks and talk to people I saw while I was walking because I didn't have much human contact outside of my husband and the people at Sam's Club.  Now I don't have to because I have friends.  It's because of visiting teaching.  I remember once John and I were invited to dinner and I told my sister that we have new friends because they invited us to dinner.  She said, "Just because you're going over for dinner, doesn't mean you're going to like them."  She was right.  I didn't really like them.  But this is different.  I actually LIKE these people and hopefully they can tolerate me.

There.  That's it.  It's like peeking into my journal.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Failure: The Word of My Life

I never fail.  Well, almost never.

My husband: Fails ALL the time!  For example, he tried to hike Table Mountain on the other side of the Teton range twice.  The first time he hike down the completely wrong trail, then the 2nd time, there was so much snow, he hiked 4 miles in and only 1/2 mile up the table mountain trail.  I'm just waiting to see how time number 3 will go.

So now what do you think?  Who's more successful now!

He is.  Obviously.

You know why I never fail?  No, not because I'm very good at almost everything I do.  It's because I never try anything new!  How can I fail at things that I have never tried?

I'm a Chinese Education minor, so I took a language teaching methods class.  I remember learning Spanish in high school and Spanish 1 was the only 'B' I ever got in high school.  You know why?  Because I was afraid of messing up when I spoke Spanish.  Then when I learned Chinese in Taiwan, I had to speak it whether I wanted to or not.

Okay, back to my teaching methods class.  The reason why I say that is because a lot of students are afraid of failing when it comes to speaking a foreign language.  My teacher (one of the best teachers I ever had) said don't be afraid of failure in anything!  If you're afraid of failure, you'll never try anything new, and become a big slob watching Netflix all day.

Failure is my new word.  Not a past word that has described my life, by a new word that I shouldn't be afraid of doing new things.  You see, the difference between my husband and I is that he's not afraid of failure.  Don't get me wrong; he doesn't fail in life.  He is where he is because he tries new things and isn't afraid of it.

Now it's my turn.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bug Me About It

I am very sorry to disappoint my fans with my lack of blogging.  I've had a pretty good excuse.  No internet.  That's a good reason right?  You can also add on that I finished another semester, moved into a new house, and have a baby to chase around, but the no internet thing is my number one excuse.

Ready for this?  I have a goal.  Now, usually I only tell a few people about my goals because if I fail, then only a few people will be disappointed in me.  But this goal is for reals now.  Let me back this goal up with a story.

I'm chunky.  That's about it.

As last year was coming to a close and I realized I was the same weight in December as I was when I was nine months pregnant, without a baby to blame for the weight gain, I decided a weight loss resolution needed to take place for the new year.

I've never had a weight loss goal before.  I remember having a weight gain goal once, but that didn't work out too well.  My metabolism was so amazing that just the motion of moving my mouth to eat a candy bar was enough to burn off the candy bar calories.  Now I even look at a candy bar and five pounds get added to my buttocks.  So for fear of having stretch marks on my triple chin, it was about time I did something. Sorry for the mental image, but I need to convince you to help me with my goal.

So, I have a goal weight that I want to get to by June 1st.  I'm not going to tell you the weight, but you can still help me.  Bug me about it.  Send me text messages, call me, e-mail me.  I don't care.  Well, don't do anything on facebook.  I don't want the entire world to know about my thunder thighs. Just make sure that I'm not being the lazy slob that I have been for the past year.

I've been writing down what I've been eating just see really see all the junk I consume and try to eat healthier the next day.  I started running again outside since there is surprisingly no snow in Idaho.  Plus, in case it does snow, we are getting a treadmill on Saturday in our house so I really have no excuse now.  And I started doing Pilates.  Well, I saw a show called 10 minute Pilates on netflix, so I decided to start trying it out.  Well, it's a little more strenuous than I thought, so I am on day three of trying to finish the first 10 minute work out, but pretty soon, I'll be doing the entire ten minutes in one day.

Ready to help me?  Good.  I'll keep you posted on my progress if you remind me.