Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Give Me A Break!

Sometimes I think people where I live are just greedy! Of course, all my blog entries come from things that irritate me, so let me tell you the story behind the facts:

I need two things. Well, one is a need and one is a want. Need: bookshelf. I'm moving and the bookshelf in my current house is nailed to the wall. Want: a play mat for Olivia that has an arch of toys. Now, getting these things bran-spankin-new, bookshelf for $35 and play mat for $16. I thought that the perfect place to get these used items would be at a garage sale. Everyone is moving and getting rid of their stuff. If I got these things for a good price, I would just use them for the rest of the time we're in Idaho, then give them to DI when I'm done.

One Saturday, had 9 different garage sales that I wrote down from Craig's list. I went to all of them and even stopped at a few more on the side of the road. You know what?


I may be a little more frustrated because every time I get out of my car, I also have to take the kid out too, a little harder than me just hopping out.

Oh, and here's why it's a waste of time. They had the things that I wanted. There are even things that I wanted that I saw at these garage sales, but didn't dare buy. You know that bookshelf I wanted? I didn't find the exact one I wanted, but I sure couldn't find one for less than $30 bucks. Give me a break. I'll spend the extra 5 bucks for a new one that I can transport in a box.

You know who the really greedy people are? College students with little kids! I'm not going to buy a used play mat for just 2 bucks cheaper than original price. Plus, I bet that play mat has been through all 8 of your kids! I'm sorry, but your kid's vomit on the play mat means that you should knock it down more than 2 bucks. Please.

Now, if I were in CA, things would be different. I bet I could find a gently used bookshelf from Crate and Barrel for 5 bucks. And children's clothing, I bet only used for one kid and it's all-you-can-fit-in-a-bag for $1. Now, that's what I call a garage sale.

Don't even get me started on how much they charge for stuff of the school's bulletin board. Man, everyone here is greedy.

1 comment:

  1. So dumb. We need to go garage saleing here. Much better. Lots of good loot for low prices. The key is to go with a friend. That way one can hop out of the car to see if the sale is worthwhile before everyone having to haul themselves out of the car. Yep, best way to do it.
