Monday, April 8, 2013

Loving the "To Do" list

FYI:  I just bought tickets to see The Piano Guys in Rexburg!  I love them and I'm glad they decided to come before we moved.

Do you want to be updated on my "To Do" list for this year?  Here, let me first show you how organized I am:

This is my Daily planner/life list binder.  As you might be able to tell, Olivia took a yellow highlighter to it.  I have it separated into several sections:

1.  My daily planner (so I can remember to buy my piano guys tickets)
2.  2013 "To Do" list
3.  My Life List "To Do"
4.  My Life List "To Go": separated into Foreign, National Parks, States, and Temples.
5.  My Life List "To Read"
6.  Extra Paper

This all seems pretty normal to me, but now that I type it all out, it sounds pretty nerdy.

Here are a few things that I've already done on my 2013 "To Do" list:

1.  Make a craft.  Done!

2.  Read 50 books:  I'm a little behind.  I'm only on #15 and I haven't read a book in 3 weeks.  I'll finish probably 2 this week.

4.  Go to the Zoo:  When I wrote this, I wanted it to be the Idaho Falls Zoo, but w went to the Sacramento instead.  That works.

5. California Road Trip:  Done

12.  Make a quilt:  On my life list, I want to make a quilt sewing everything by hand and since my sewing machine is not working, I thought that my first one (without my mom's help) would be perfect.  Now, the quilt is not perfect.  There is no measuring out or straight lines, just sewing a bunch of old shirts together then making it into a quilt.  I even sewed Olivia's old bootie to a corner that looks really messed up.

17.  Buy and wear a pair of non-maternity jeans:  Now, I wrote jeans, but by jeans I really meant any pair or something that goes on my lower half that isn't a shirt.  So I bought capris.  You can see them in most pictures of me since I hate wearing pants.  I figured I won't buy any jeans since I'm moving to Texas.

23.  Run in Teton Dam 5k:  Signed up!  Doing it whether I want to or not.

26.  Fairy Tale Town in California:  Done!

28:  Index 1000 English names:  I'm pretty sure I completed this a day after I blogged about it the first time.

30. Do a profile:  I actually completed it, but I want to edit it through the year.

That's it!  There are a handful of others that are almost done and most of the "to go" things are planned.  I'm not sure if we will have enough weekends to go where we want to go before we move, but we'll try or find something similar in Texas.

I'm excited to finish it!  You should make a list too and blog about it!  That way, if I'm too lazy to do anything on my list, I can gain inspiration from yours.

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! I literally just finished my own 30-before-30 list (since I'm turning 28 this week and so that gives me 2 years to accomplish all this stuff) about 5 minutes before reading this post.
    Way to be so organized!! That's so fun that you've already accomplished so much from your list!!
