Since this blog lacks pictures, I thought I would throw some up today. Here's my first dream job:

This might not exactly portray what I dream of doing, but I typed "Radio DJ" into google image and this is what came up.
Good lookin' guy eh?
No, but really. Just imagine how much fun it would be to be a DJ on the radio! I'm not talking about the ones that really care about what songs are being played, but the fun ones that do the morning shows. This has been my experience with morning shows:
I worked in a doctor's office before I got married and I was just alone in my own little office and never communicated with anyone. So what did I do? I did my typing thing and listened to the morning DJs. They would always play games to see who was cheating on whom, discussed celebrity gossip, gave their opinions about everything, and would get the listening people all irritated so they would call in. I just love listening to people argue on the radio and such. I want to be that person. It just sounds exciting.
Here's my other dream job and the more interesting of the two:

I want to be him.
I love watching America's Most Wanted. They have the episodes on Hulu if anyone is interested. My goal is to someday call in and give them a tip that helps them catch a bad guy.
The more and more that I watch America's Most Wanted, the more and more I want John Walsh's job. The only thing that bugs me is that he always called the bad guys "cowards". I mean, they are and everything, but it gets annoying. He needs to look that word up in the thesaurus and learn something else to say.
He just does super cool things all the time like go and look for the bad guys, but he's totally protected. Then he gets to shoot guns with the police men and chat it up with detectives. Most importantly, he gets to be on TV! Love his job, but it's not like I'm going to apply for it when he retires or gets shot down by a drug cartel. Just think it would be interesting to do.
Wonder how much he gets paid.
So, these are my dream jobs. I think they would be super fun, but I like what I do now: sit around all day waiting for this baby to come out. It gives me time to daydream about my dream jobs.
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