Every time I open up my computer, there are 5 websites that I am just drawn to. Right when I open up a new google chrome window, I just automatically go to these sites before I go online for what I actually need. I guess I don't go to each one every time, but pretty darn close.
Here, let me share the love in no particular order:
1. foxnews.com: I don't know why it's the Fox News that I love so much, but that's the one I go to first. I just love online news no matter what. I hate watching news on TV because I feel like I have to watch 30 minutes of news when all I want to hear is one or two interesting stories. Therefore, I go online. I'm all about paperless things, so newspaper doesn't even cut it for me.
2. facebook.com: Many more mature people dis facebook. Either I'm immature or... I can't think of an or. Guess immature it is. I find facebook actually a very good tool. That is the way that I keep up with all the people that I taught in Taiwan, it's how I find out about mission reunions, old high school friends, and even school assignments. I love typing a question in my status that I am too lazy to google or need an opinion on and withing minutes, someone is there to share their thoughts. I think it's a great tool. Don't like it when people update their status constantly so that everyone and their dog knows what they're doing. There are some people that become a little too into it spending hours a day. I'll admit, when I was really sick and didn't move off my couch, facebook was up on my screen. But hey, I was sick.
3. coupons.com: I've posted before about how i love I am with coupons. Shall I reiterate? LOVE THEM! Boo ya! And I save more money that you do.
4. hotmail.com: I check my junk e-mail more often than my real one. Want to know why? All the coupon deals I get. There is a lot of baby info sent to me too. Granted, I only read like a quarter of those e-mails, but they're good.
5. blogspot.com: I don't know why I love blogging so much. I guess part of it is because blogging is my friend that I like to talk to while John is at work, or just complaining that I want to do. What I love more than writing blogs is reading them. Love my sister's blog, but she rarely updates it. It irritates me, but she claims her life is too boring to update it more than once a month. There is one blog that I obsessively check even though it shows up on my blog updates when she writes on it. You know who it is? Yeah, that's right: Keltzie Smith. Hands down the best blog that I read. She's HILARIOUS! Shout out to Keltzie. She makes ANYTHING funny. For example, she wrote a blog on marshmallows. Honestly, I thought in my mind after reading the title, mallows? What could be interesting about that? However I read it several times and laughed about each time. Anyway, Keltz, you're the bomb and you need to update your blog daily because you're that good!
That's all. Pretty pathetic eh?
PS I also love youtube clips of The Ellen D show.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
9 Months, 9 Months: I'm A Completely Different Person
John and I have known each other for 18 months. That's right, 18 months. I'm not saying that we've been married 18 months, or even dating 18 months, but we've known each other for 18 months. Actually, we pretty much were dating for 18 months because we got together rather quickly after meeting each other. And why not? He has an adorable bald spot and I am just fun to be around. We were sure to get together anyway.
Now, if you haven't done the math already in your head, let me break it down for you. We have known each other for 18 months minus 9 months that I was pregnant equals 9 months not being pregnant. That's right: John has known me for 9 months not being pregnant and 9 months being pregnant. We knew each other 7 months before we got married, and two months later, I go pregnant.
I honestly have to say, I am a completely different person. I noticed this just days after giving birth. As you may have already noticed by many of my complaining blogs, I am not a very good pregnant lady. In fact, most of the time, I just complained and complained about everything being painful or being negative about something. Post pregnancy changed a lot of things. I still have all those hormones, but things have changed and let me tell you what:
I enjoy eating now. I can actually eat. Food has flavor. I'm not grumpy all the time; I don't have to pee every 45 minutes, driving is enjoyable without a big belly in the way, not every single person gets on my nerves; I actually have the desire to cook, the list goes on and on!
Mostly it's my mood that has made the big difference. I don't know how John was so supportive because I would have ignored me with that type of attitude. In fact, here's a story:
We went to the hospital yesterday to go see the lactation specialist. Surprisingly, my friend was there with her baby waiting to see the same lady. Along comes a guy from my ecology class whose wife also just had a baby and they were in the recovery area. He came walking out to get something to eat. He also knew my friend and her husband. I said hi and reminded him that I was the girl in his ecology class that didn't like him. (It's a joke. He would always answer questions first in class for quizzes that we had. I didn't like him because I was jealous he always got the first question) Well, obviously he remembered my dislike for me because there was very little communication between us. I turned to John and said, "I think I made a lot of enemies while I was pregnant". It's true. I did. Many people annoyed me and I was not afraid to let them know.
Maybe I should apologize to the people that I offended. Hmm, but maybe there are too many to count.
Now that John and I have been through the 9 month pregnancy phase, we are starting to count the days that he knows me as a non-pregnant lady. Let's face it, I am a completely different person. And thankfully for John, I am no longer pregnant.
Now, if you haven't done the math already in your head, let me break it down for you. We have known each other for 18 months minus 9 months that I was pregnant equals 9 months not being pregnant. That's right: John has known me for 9 months not being pregnant and 9 months being pregnant. We knew each other 7 months before we got married, and two months later, I go pregnant.
I honestly have to say, I am a completely different person. I noticed this just days after giving birth. As you may have already noticed by many of my complaining blogs, I am not a very good pregnant lady. In fact, most of the time, I just complained and complained about everything being painful or being negative about something. Post pregnancy changed a lot of things. I still have all those hormones, but things have changed and let me tell you what:
I enjoy eating now. I can actually eat. Food has flavor. I'm not grumpy all the time; I don't have to pee every 45 minutes, driving is enjoyable without a big belly in the way, not every single person gets on my nerves; I actually have the desire to cook, the list goes on and on!
Mostly it's my mood that has made the big difference. I don't know how John was so supportive because I would have ignored me with that type of attitude. In fact, here's a story:
We went to the hospital yesterday to go see the lactation specialist. Surprisingly, my friend was there with her baby waiting to see the same lady. Along comes a guy from my ecology class whose wife also just had a baby and they were in the recovery area. He came walking out to get something to eat. He also knew my friend and her husband. I said hi and reminded him that I was the girl in his ecology class that didn't like him. (It's a joke. He would always answer questions first in class for quizzes that we had. I didn't like him because I was jealous he always got the first question) Well, obviously he remembered my dislike for me because there was very little communication between us. I turned to John and said, "I think I made a lot of enemies while I was pregnant". It's true. I did. Many people annoyed me and I was not afraid to let them know.
Maybe I should apologize to the people that I offended. Hmm, but maybe there are too many to count.
Now that John and I have been through the 9 month pregnancy phase, we are starting to count the days that he knows me as a non-pregnant lady. Let's face it, I am a completely different person. And thankfully for John, I am no longer pregnant.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Childbirth: The Pain, The Swearing, and A Beautiful Baby
I gave birth to a small child last week. It was quite the experience. Just for me to remember everything and for you to enjoy gruesome details, I thought that I would write the whole story down. Now, just to warn you, I don't hold back on the nasty details, so if you have a weak stomach, maybe this entry might not be the best blog entry for you to read.
To this day, I swear that the due date they told me was 2 weeks later than the real due date. So as my fake due date was approaching, I was the grumpiest woman alive. All I wanted was for the baby to come out and all I could do was constantly complain about it. On my last appointment with my doc, I asked if I could be induced thinking that he wouldn't let me unless there was a medical reason. He said, sure, pick a date. The next thing I know, we were scheduled to go in the following Tuesday.
Monday was my due date and the most miserable day of my life. Then I had to wait until Tuesday night at 8:30 before I could be induced. I called and texted almost everyone that I knew to complain just so that they would all know how miserable I was. Now, I would like to apologize. I'm sorry. It was a moment of weakness and I will try to never do that again.
Tuesday came and I called the hospital in the morning to check and make sure that the appointment was there and that there was plenty of room for me. They said, there probably will be, but I should call back at 6 to make sure. I was a little on edge after that, but still okay.
Then in the afternoon, I got a text message that said that my dear friend Jessica who was due at the end of the month was now a new mommy. I was so irritated that I still didn't have my child and she had hers. Don't worry, I'm not mad now that I have my kid, but boy, that was the last thing that I wanted to hear.
Six, on the dot, I called again to ask them if there was room for me. You know what they had the audacity to say! NO! They said they would call me when a room was free. I was devastated! I just wanted to go into labor and have the kid in the hallway. That would have satisfied me. Then to top that all off, my mom said, "Maybe Jessica stole your room". Not something that I wanted to hear.
Then at 8:28 I was blogging, on this blog in fact, comparing finding out that there really was no Santa to finding out that I couldn't give birth that night. Total devastation. Then the hospital called and told me to come right in because they were ready for me! Off we went.
When I got there, they hooked me up to everything and the nurse said that my contractions were 3 minutes apart, too close together to give me the induction medicine they were planning on giving me. I most likely would have had to go to the hospital that night anyway. However, at 11:30 they gave me pitocin just to speed things up. Pop in that Ambien sleeping pill, and I was out for the night.
Except for at 2 AM when Law and Order SVU came on.
6 AM and the doc came in to break my water. Lovely experience until 3 minutes later when the contractions started. I didn't cry, but that is when the pain and the swearing came in. I begged for the epidural and an hour later, they stabbed me and I was in heaven. I still felt the contraction in the front on my right side, but it was way better than before so I didn't complain.
The epidural made me really sleepy. I was knocked out until 9 when the doc came in to check me. He said I was fully dilated and it was push time! The nurse got the room ready and by 9:25, I was pushing my heart out.
About 20 minutes into pushing, I noticed that my back started hurting when the contractions came on. I told the nurse and she said that it was just pressure and nothing else. I believed her at the time, but 45 minutes into pushing was a whole different story.
My epidural completely kicked out! I don't know how since there is suposta be a constant stream of some drug into my body. Well, it didn't. I was in so much pain. Even more than when I got the epidural. That was the moment that I swore I would NEVER attempt natural child birth.
I guess the nurse didn't believe me or something. She said that was normal. Well, it was a lie. They called in the anesthesiologist again and she gave me another dose. Ten 10 minutes later she asked if I was still in pain and wanted more medicine. I just nodded because at that time I was hurting so much talking was just not an option. Five minutes after the second round of drugs was administered, I couldn't feel a thing.
It was around 11:30 by then. Nearly an hour of pushing without pain, then an hour with contractions from hell, then my last hour I couldn't feel a single thing. In fact, I had absolutely NO control over my lower body. It reminded me of the movie What Lies Beneath with Harrison Ford when he tries to kill his wife. Luckily, Harrison Ford had no access to my hospital room. I thought that my legs were bent for pushing, but they were super straight. Every time it came time to push, John and the nurse would have to lift up my legs.
Then at 12:15 the doctor came in. By that time, I had already been pushing for 2 hours 45 minutes. I was tired, but the epidural made me so tired that I would sleep between each contraction, so that's how I got my rest.
I had been pushing for so long without any progress that they decided to vacuum the kid out. They only had one concern: the baby had so much hair that they were afraid the vacuum would not stick making pulling the baby out a little harder. They tried anyway.
Turns out they were right. Not only were they right, but they put the vacuum on the baby's head and started to pull. When the vacuum lost suction, it sprayed blood everywhere. John learned an important lesson that day: don't wear nice clothes to the hospital when your wife is giving birth. We still haven't been able to get that stain out.
At 12:31 PM our little baby Olivia arrived. I was so happy, not that it was over, but that I was finally able to hold my little baby. The doctor did all the sewing up, but I couldn't care less. I just couldn't stop looking at my beautiful baby girl.
I asked the doctor if I could take a picture of the placenta and make it my facebook profile picture. He said that I could not only take a picture of it, but I could also take it home if I wanted to. I excitingly said "heck yes". I guess the nurse actually thought I wanted to take it home because she was ready to pack it up for me when she was cleaning the room. As lovely as it would be to keep my placenta, I decided a better place for it was in the trash.
That's my delivery story. A little long, but I think it is more for my benefit than for yours. I really enjoyed reading my friend Mackenzie's delivery story, so maybe someone will find my semi-interesting.
Now the post pregnancy pain: not bad. Sore private parts, uterus pain, and hemorrhoids, but what lady doesn't have those things after giving birth?
Here's the link to our family blog to see pictures. Oh, and please comment. I love getting compliments on my child.
To this day, I swear that the due date they told me was 2 weeks later than the real due date. So as my fake due date was approaching, I was the grumpiest woman alive. All I wanted was for the baby to come out and all I could do was constantly complain about it. On my last appointment with my doc, I asked if I could be induced thinking that he wouldn't let me unless there was a medical reason. He said, sure, pick a date. The next thing I know, we were scheduled to go in the following Tuesday.
Monday was my due date and the most miserable day of my life. Then I had to wait until Tuesday night at 8:30 before I could be induced. I called and texted almost everyone that I knew to complain just so that they would all know how miserable I was. Now, I would like to apologize. I'm sorry. It was a moment of weakness and I will try to never do that again.
Tuesday came and I called the hospital in the morning to check and make sure that the appointment was there and that there was plenty of room for me. They said, there probably will be, but I should call back at 6 to make sure. I was a little on edge after that, but still okay.
Then in the afternoon, I got a text message that said that my dear friend Jessica who was due at the end of the month was now a new mommy. I was so irritated that I still didn't have my child and she had hers. Don't worry, I'm not mad now that I have my kid, but boy, that was the last thing that I wanted to hear.
Six, on the dot, I called again to ask them if there was room for me. You know what they had the audacity to say! NO! They said they would call me when a room was free. I was devastated! I just wanted to go into labor and have the kid in the hallway. That would have satisfied me. Then to top that all off, my mom said, "Maybe Jessica stole your room". Not something that I wanted to hear.
Then at 8:28 I was blogging, on this blog in fact, comparing finding out that there really was no Santa to finding out that I couldn't give birth that night. Total devastation. Then the hospital called and told me to come right in because they were ready for me! Off we went.
When I got there, they hooked me up to everything and the nurse said that my contractions were 3 minutes apart, too close together to give me the induction medicine they were planning on giving me. I most likely would have had to go to the hospital that night anyway. However, at 11:30 they gave me pitocin just to speed things up. Pop in that Ambien sleeping pill, and I was out for the night.
Except for at 2 AM when Law and Order SVU came on.
6 AM and the doc came in to break my water. Lovely experience until 3 minutes later when the contractions started. I didn't cry, but that is when the pain and the swearing came in. I begged for the epidural and an hour later, they stabbed me and I was in heaven. I still felt the contraction in the front on my right side, but it was way better than before so I didn't complain.
The epidural made me really sleepy. I was knocked out until 9 when the doc came in to check me. He said I was fully dilated and it was push time! The nurse got the room ready and by 9:25, I was pushing my heart out.
About 20 minutes into pushing, I noticed that my back started hurting when the contractions came on. I told the nurse and she said that it was just pressure and nothing else. I believed her at the time, but 45 minutes into pushing was a whole different story.
My epidural completely kicked out! I don't know how since there is suposta be a constant stream of some drug into my body. Well, it didn't. I was in so much pain. Even more than when I got the epidural. That was the moment that I swore I would NEVER attempt natural child birth.
I guess the nurse didn't believe me or something. She said that was normal. Well, it was a lie. They called in the anesthesiologist again and she gave me another dose. Ten 10 minutes later she asked if I was still in pain and wanted more medicine. I just nodded because at that time I was hurting so much talking was just not an option. Five minutes after the second round of drugs was administered, I couldn't feel a thing.
It was around 11:30 by then. Nearly an hour of pushing without pain, then an hour with contractions from hell, then my last hour I couldn't feel a single thing. In fact, I had absolutely NO control over my lower body. It reminded me of the movie What Lies Beneath with Harrison Ford when he tries to kill his wife. Luckily, Harrison Ford had no access to my hospital room. I thought that my legs were bent for pushing, but they were super straight. Every time it came time to push, John and the nurse would have to lift up my legs.
Then at 12:15 the doctor came in. By that time, I had already been pushing for 2 hours 45 minutes. I was tired, but the epidural made me so tired that I would sleep between each contraction, so that's how I got my rest.
I had been pushing for so long without any progress that they decided to vacuum the kid out. They only had one concern: the baby had so much hair that they were afraid the vacuum would not stick making pulling the baby out a little harder. They tried anyway.
Turns out they were right. Not only were they right, but they put the vacuum on the baby's head and started to pull. When the vacuum lost suction, it sprayed blood everywhere. John learned an important lesson that day: don't wear nice clothes to the hospital when your wife is giving birth. We still haven't been able to get that stain out.
At 12:31 PM our little baby Olivia arrived. I was so happy, not that it was over, but that I was finally able to hold my little baby. The doctor did all the sewing up, but I couldn't care less. I just couldn't stop looking at my beautiful baby girl.
I asked the doctor if I could take a picture of the placenta and make it my facebook profile picture. He said that I could not only take a picture of it, but I could also take it home if I wanted to. I excitingly said "heck yes". I guess the nurse actually thought I wanted to take it home because she was ready to pack it up for me when she was cleaning the room. As lovely as it would be to keep my placenta, I decided a better place for it was in the trash.
That's my delivery story. A little long, but I think it is more for my benefit than for yours. I really enjoyed reading my friend Mackenzie's delivery story, so maybe someone will find my semi-interesting.
Now the post pregnancy pain: not bad. Sore private parts, uterus pain, and hemorrhoids, but what lady doesn't have those things after giving birth?
Here's the link to our family blog to see pictures. Oh, and please comment. I love getting compliments on my child.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Would You Do? Helping Us Become Better People
There is a new show that I love to watch. Don't worry, it's on Hulu, so if you are reading this blog, you can watch it yourself. It's called What Would You Do?. John Quinones, a reporter for ABC, sets up different scenarios that we might come across everyday. Then, with hidden cameras, he records the reactions that real people have.
For example, they did a scenario where a little girl was at the park with her nanny, then her nanny went to the bathroom as a stranger came up and asked the little girl to help him look for his dog. The little girl, stranger, and the nanny were all actors. They did that to see how many people would step in for the child's safety.
Another scenario that they did was having a man go to a gas station and ask around for people to give him gas so that he could get home. They change the scenario up by having it be a man with a cheap car, a woman with a cheap car, and a woman with a big expensive, bran new gas guzzler. It's interesting how differently people get treated.
It has really gotten me thinking to what I would do in different situations. I feel like I would stand up for people when I see the first scenario, but then when they change it, I wonder if I would still do the same thing.
For example, a guy and a girl were at a bar. The guy was major, hard core hitting on this girl that was dressed nicely. A lot of people told the guy to back off because the girl wasn't interested. I think I would have done the same thing. Then when the girl dressed more provocatively with a really low cut and short dress, fewer people were willing to help.
I think I would have helped if she was dressed modestly, but dressed like a slut, I don't think I would have helped her at all.
So, I reflect more and more on each situation to see what I would do. The situation of the girl at the park, I would definitely step in and not let her walk off with a strange man. One guy at the park said that no single men go to parks unless they're there for a bad reason. Only men with families go there.
Then the gas situation. I think I would help out if the person had a crappy car, but if they came in a new 2012 sports car, I wouldn't even think about giving up money for gas.
But there was on guy that did help out the woman that asked for gas who was driving the big new SUV and he not only bought her gas, but he helped her put it in. He came to the USA 2 years ago and only makes 300 bucks each week, but he was willing to spend 20 bucks to help this lady out. What a guy. He was willing to help her out, but I would have said no in a heartbeat.
All these situations, I think I would do in a heartbeat, but really if I were put in that situation, would I have done the same thing? It gets me thinking, you know? There are so many different variables. Like, if I woman was being abused by a boyfriend in a park, would I start yelling to get him to stop, or just walk away afraid for my own safety. Calling the police is an obvious thing to do, but would I make a distraction long enough for him to pause or what?
Watch the show. Just think, What would you do?
For example, they did a scenario where a little girl was at the park with her nanny, then her nanny went to the bathroom as a stranger came up and asked the little girl to help him look for his dog. The little girl, stranger, and the nanny were all actors. They did that to see how many people would step in for the child's safety.
Another scenario that they did was having a man go to a gas station and ask around for people to give him gas so that he could get home. They change the scenario up by having it be a man with a cheap car, a woman with a cheap car, and a woman with a big expensive, bran new gas guzzler. It's interesting how differently people get treated.
It has really gotten me thinking to what I would do in different situations. I feel like I would stand up for people when I see the first scenario, but then when they change it, I wonder if I would still do the same thing.
For example, a guy and a girl were at a bar. The guy was major, hard core hitting on this girl that was dressed nicely. A lot of people told the guy to back off because the girl wasn't interested. I think I would have done the same thing. Then when the girl dressed more provocatively with a really low cut and short dress, fewer people were willing to help.
I think I would have helped if she was dressed modestly, but dressed like a slut, I don't think I would have helped her at all.
So, I reflect more and more on each situation to see what I would do. The situation of the girl at the park, I would definitely step in and not let her walk off with a strange man. One guy at the park said that no single men go to parks unless they're there for a bad reason. Only men with families go there.
Then the gas situation. I think I would help out if the person had a crappy car, but if they came in a new 2012 sports car, I wouldn't even think about giving up money for gas.
But there was on guy that did help out the woman that asked for gas who was driving the big new SUV and he not only bought her gas, but he helped her put it in. He came to the USA 2 years ago and only makes 300 bucks each week, but he was willing to spend 20 bucks to help this lady out. What a guy. He was willing to help her out, but I would have said no in a heartbeat.
All these situations, I think I would do in a heartbeat, but really if I were put in that situation, would I have done the same thing? It gets me thinking, you know? There are so many different variables. Like, if I woman was being abused by a boyfriend in a park, would I start yelling to get him to stop, or just walk away afraid for my own safety. Calling the police is an obvious thing to do, but would I make a distraction long enough for him to pause or what?
Watch the show. Just think, What would you do?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Everyday is a Dilemma
What is my problem? Someone tell me because I don't even know! I know I'm pretty pathetic, but I don't know if I should be pathetic because this thing stresses me out everyday, or because it is THE thing that stresses me out everyday. Let me give you a little more detail.
Every night before John comes home for work, I start thinking about what I need to cook for dinner. Now, here's the dilemma: I NEVER know what to cook for dinner.
Not only do I just not know what to cook, but it actually stresses me out! Of all the things that anyone has to worry about through the day, what to cook for dinner is my biggest worry.
I never use to have this problem. I don't know if it's an "I'm pregnant" problem or a "newly married" problem. Let's face it; I've been pregnant almost the entire time that I've been married.
I think it's an "I'm pregnant" problem because John never cares what we have to eat. He'll eat anything, so I don't have to worry about cooking something that he isn't going to like.
And it's just me. Let me tell you, my family for sure would starve if it weren't for Kuki's Kookbook. I love almost everything that she has put up. In fact, I can't even think of a time that I have cooked something that she posted that I didn't like.
Then there is my sister who always gives me ideas about what to cook for dinner. However, I turn all of them down. Not because they are too healthy or require effort to make, but because I just can't decide and nothing ever really sounds good to me.
So please, tell me what I should cook for dinner. If I turn your idea down, don't be offended. Just blame it on me being indecisive. However, don't let that discourage you from dropping off suggestions. I need them.
Every night before John comes home for work, I start thinking about what I need to cook for dinner. Now, here's the dilemma: I NEVER know what to cook for dinner.
Not only do I just not know what to cook, but it actually stresses me out! Of all the things that anyone has to worry about through the day, what to cook for dinner is my biggest worry.
I never use to have this problem. I don't know if it's an "I'm pregnant" problem or a "newly married" problem. Let's face it; I've been pregnant almost the entire time that I've been married.
I think it's an "I'm pregnant" problem because John never cares what we have to eat. He'll eat anything, so I don't have to worry about cooking something that he isn't going to like.
And it's just me. Let me tell you, my family for sure would starve if it weren't for Kuki's Kookbook. I love almost everything that she has put up. In fact, I can't even think of a time that I have cooked something that she posted that I didn't like.
Then there is my sister who always gives me ideas about what to cook for dinner. However, I turn all of them down. Not because they are too healthy or require effort to make, but because I just can't decide and nothing ever really sounds good to me.
So please, tell me what I should cook for dinner. If I turn your idea down, don't be offended. Just blame it on me being indecisive. However, don't let that discourage you from dropping off suggestions. I need them.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Ellen D- My Inspiration
I always say that Ellen DeGeneres is my favorite lesbian. She's hilarious and if you don't think so, you just haven't watched her show before. I don't do the whole TV thing, but I do youtube some clips of her show.
My very favorite thing that she does on the show are celebrity pranks where she puts an ear piece into a celeb's ear, sends them somewhere, and they have to say everything that Ellen tells them to say. It's hilarious. This one is my favorite: Dennis Quaid<-- it's a link.
But that isn't the point of my post. There is another section that she does that is called "What's Wrong With These Photos Photos". Here's a little sample: Hilarious Photos
I now have a new goal in life: to take a picture that will be worthy of Ellen's "What's wrong with these photos photos" section of her show. In hopes that I did have something, I started going through all my old photos. I started with just photos from Hong Kong because I figured there would be some weird Chinese-English translation that would be worthy of her show. Unfortunately I couldn't find any.
That's okay. Instead, I looked through the pictures that I took from my last trip to Hong Kong (which was about 5,000), and I went through and picked out a few that I just wanted to comment on. Some are funny, but some are just interesting. Most of the time when I read blogs, I just look at the pictures because I think the writing is boring, but then on my own blog I don't put any pictures up. This is the time for me to make up for that.
Sorry if they're really not that exciting to you, but I like the story behind most these pictures.

First of all, who would want to eat this? And second, why was it on my plate? I don't even remember this or if I ate it or not, but it's just terrifying. Lot of people in Hong Kong like it though.

I guess Hong Kong is getting so overpopulated that they are starting to cut their buildings a little too close to nature. This is a very large tree that my father is standing next to, but all that behind him are the tree's roots. Neat.
Now, these next two pictures, I actually thought about sending to Ellen:

This is my father in the airport carrying my mother's blue flowered bag. I thought that it looked a bit fruity, but making fun of someone's appearance saying that it look a little homosexual didn't seem appropriate to send into The Ellen Show considering she is a homosexual herself.

This one I actually thought would make it on her show. Unfortunately, she already had one just like it.

What does "No Hawking" mean? I could look up the Chinese, but I choose to be confused.

Let's face it, I'm not the best artist in the world. When I was in Kindergarten, my sister drew a frog for me for my homework. It looked good, but not believable that a Kindergarten kid drew it. I flat out lied to my teacher and said that I drew it.
Still feel bad about that.
But at Hong Kong Disney, when I thought I was waiting in line for a ride, I was really in line for a drawing class. I drew the Pooh bear and I am so proud of it. The entire presentation was even in Cantonese, so that makes me extra proud. Had to put it up.
Whenever my family stays in a hotel, we love to jump on the bed. My father and I decided to take some pictures:


My father trying to imitate me. Not as graceful, but he did get more air!
when we were in Hong Kong Disney, we went on several rides where they took pictures at the end. My father always likes to think of new ways to pose for each of the pictures. We've done the look bored, orange peel face, chatting on the cell phone, you name it, we did it.
In these next two photos, we planned on doing the "I'm terrified of this ride" face. Either my parents didn't know where the camera was, they didn't remember, or they wanted me to look like the fool. Well, I guess the succeeded.

Space Mountain Terror

And then there is the terrifying Winni the Pooh Bear ride.
Lastly, there really is something wrong between these two photos. Try to see if you can guess:

You got it?
Well, let me give you a hint: the guy massaging my father's feet is not wearing a mask, however the guy massaging my feet is! What! What's up with that! I do not have nasty feet and they are definitely not as nasty as my fathers!
I was offended when I came across this picture.
That's all for now. Hopefully someday I will be able to send in a picture to Ellen and she will put it in her show. That would just make my day. In the mean time, I guess I will just have to carry my camera around everywhere and look for the perfect opportunity!
My very favorite thing that she does on the show are celebrity pranks where she puts an ear piece into a celeb's ear, sends them somewhere, and they have to say everything that Ellen tells them to say. It's hilarious. This one is my favorite: Dennis Quaid<-- it's a link.
But that isn't the point of my post. There is another section that she does that is called "What's Wrong With These Photos Photos". Here's a little sample: Hilarious Photos
I now have a new goal in life: to take a picture that will be worthy of Ellen's "What's wrong with these photos photos" section of her show. In hopes that I did have something, I started going through all my old photos. I started with just photos from Hong Kong because I figured there would be some weird Chinese-English translation that would be worthy of her show. Unfortunately I couldn't find any.
That's okay. Instead, I looked through the pictures that I took from my last trip to Hong Kong (which was about 5,000), and I went through and picked out a few that I just wanted to comment on. Some are funny, but some are just interesting. Most of the time when I read blogs, I just look at the pictures because I think the writing is boring, but then on my own blog I don't put any pictures up. This is the time for me to make up for that.
Sorry if they're really not that exciting to you, but I like the story behind most these pictures.
First of all, who would want to eat this? And second, why was it on my plate? I don't even remember this or if I ate it or not, but it's just terrifying. Lot of people in Hong Kong like it though.
I guess Hong Kong is getting so overpopulated that they are starting to cut their buildings a little too close to nature. This is a very large tree that my father is standing next to, but all that behind him are the tree's roots. Neat.
Now, these next two pictures, I actually thought about sending to Ellen:
This is my father in the airport carrying my mother's blue flowered bag. I thought that it looked a bit fruity, but making fun of someone's appearance saying that it look a little homosexual didn't seem appropriate to send into The Ellen Show considering she is a homosexual herself.
This one I actually thought would make it on her show. Unfortunately, she already had one just like it.
What does "No Hawking" mean? I could look up the Chinese, but I choose to be confused.
Let's face it, I'm not the best artist in the world. When I was in Kindergarten, my sister drew a frog for me for my homework. It looked good, but not believable that a Kindergarten kid drew it. I flat out lied to my teacher and said that I drew it.
Still feel bad about that.
But at Hong Kong Disney, when I thought I was waiting in line for a ride, I was really in line for a drawing class. I drew the Pooh bear and I am so proud of it. The entire presentation was even in Cantonese, so that makes me extra proud. Had to put it up.
Whenever my family stays in a hotel, we love to jump on the bed. My father and I decided to take some pictures:
My father trying to imitate me. Not as graceful, but he did get more air!
when we were in Hong Kong Disney, we went on several rides where they took pictures at the end. My father always likes to think of new ways to pose for each of the pictures. We've done the look bored, orange peel face, chatting on the cell phone, you name it, we did it.
In these next two photos, we planned on doing the "I'm terrified of this ride" face. Either my parents didn't know where the camera was, they didn't remember, or they wanted me to look like the fool. Well, I guess the succeeded.
Space Mountain Terror
And then there is the terrifying Winni the Pooh Bear ride.
Lastly, there really is something wrong between these two photos. Try to see if you can guess:
You got it?
Well, let me give you a hint: the guy massaging my father's feet is not wearing a mask, however the guy massaging my feet is! What! What's up with that! I do not have nasty feet and they are definitely not as nasty as my fathers!
I was offended when I came across this picture.
That's all for now. Hopefully someday I will be able to send in a picture to Ellen and she will put it in her show. That would just make my day. In the mean time, I guess I will just have to carry my camera around everywhere and look for the perfect opportunity!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Dream Jobs
I have two jobs that I consider to be my dream jobs. These aren't jobs that I really want to pursue, but that I more like daydream about.
Since this blog lacks pictures, I thought I would throw some up today. Here's my first dream job:

This might not exactly portray what I dream of doing, but I typed "Radio DJ" into google image and this is what came up.
Good lookin' guy eh?
No, but really. Just imagine how much fun it would be to be a DJ on the radio! I'm not talking about the ones that really care about what songs are being played, but the fun ones that do the morning shows. This has been my experience with morning shows:
I worked in a doctor's office before I got married and I was just alone in my own little office and never communicated with anyone. So what did I do? I did my typing thing and listened to the morning DJs. They would always play games to see who was cheating on whom, discussed celebrity gossip, gave their opinions about everything, and would get the listening people all irritated so they would call in. I just love listening to people argue on the radio and such. I want to be that person. It just sounds exciting.
Here's my other dream job and the more interesting of the two:

I want to be him.
I love watching America's Most Wanted. They have the episodes on Hulu if anyone is interested. My goal is to someday call in and give them a tip that helps them catch a bad guy.
The more and more that I watch America's Most Wanted, the more and more I want John Walsh's job. The only thing that bugs me is that he always called the bad guys "cowards". I mean, they are and everything, but it gets annoying. He needs to look that word up in the thesaurus and learn something else to say.
He just does super cool things all the time like go and look for the bad guys, but he's totally protected. Then he gets to shoot guns with the police men and chat it up with detectives. Most importantly, he gets to be on TV! Love his job, but it's not like I'm going to apply for it when he retires or gets shot down by a drug cartel. Just think it would be interesting to do.
Wonder how much he gets paid.
So, these are my dream jobs. I think they would be super fun, but I like what I do now: sit around all day waiting for this baby to come out. It gives me time to daydream about my dream jobs.
Since this blog lacks pictures, I thought I would throw some up today. Here's my first dream job:

This might not exactly portray what I dream of doing, but I typed "Radio DJ" into google image and this is what came up.
Good lookin' guy eh?
No, but really. Just imagine how much fun it would be to be a DJ on the radio! I'm not talking about the ones that really care about what songs are being played, but the fun ones that do the morning shows. This has been my experience with morning shows:
I worked in a doctor's office before I got married and I was just alone in my own little office and never communicated with anyone. So what did I do? I did my typing thing and listened to the morning DJs. They would always play games to see who was cheating on whom, discussed celebrity gossip, gave their opinions about everything, and would get the listening people all irritated so they would call in. I just love listening to people argue on the radio and such. I want to be that person. It just sounds exciting.
Here's my other dream job and the more interesting of the two:

I want to be him.
I love watching America's Most Wanted. They have the episodes on Hulu if anyone is interested. My goal is to someday call in and give them a tip that helps them catch a bad guy.
The more and more that I watch America's Most Wanted, the more and more I want John Walsh's job. The only thing that bugs me is that he always called the bad guys "cowards". I mean, they are and everything, but it gets annoying. He needs to look that word up in the thesaurus and learn something else to say.
He just does super cool things all the time like go and look for the bad guys, but he's totally protected. Then he gets to shoot guns with the police men and chat it up with detectives. Most importantly, he gets to be on TV! Love his job, but it's not like I'm going to apply for it when he retires or gets shot down by a drug cartel. Just think it would be interesting to do.
Wonder how much he gets paid.
So, these are my dream jobs. I think they would be super fun, but I like what I do now: sit around all day waiting for this baby to come out. It gives me time to daydream about my dream jobs.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Please Tell Me I'm Not the Only One
I love going to church on Sunday and just sit and listen to the speakers. Occasionally, there is someone that gets up to the pulpit that speaks that I tend to tune out, but for the most part, I really enjoy listening to what people have prepared. That is, until last Sunday...
I babysat two kids during the day while their mother was out of town. I had a lot of fun with them and they are two very outgoing kids. However, during church, they rarely sit with their parents. They mostly sit with other people and play with them, or play with their toys or color and chat with them. For the most part, it looks like these people that sit with the kids enjoy their company during Sacrament meeting. Now, this has me asking the question, "Am I the only one?".
One of the kids came up to sit with me on Sunday. He took out all of his toys and wanted me to play with him. Now, maybe I'm just not good with small children in large meetings, but I felt like he was talking really loudly around me and that everyone was looking at me to quiet the kid down.
So I did the only thing I could think of: I ignored him.
A few minutes later, he packed up all his stuff and went to another bench where other people were sitting and bugged them. They liked it.
But really, am I the only one that doesn't like other kids sitting with me?
And this got me thinking of other things that I don't like that other people seem to embrace.
Foods for example like ketchup on eggs, butter on pancakes, fries dipped in a frosty, or ordering salad as a main dish. Does everyone do that?
Then there are fears like spiders and germs that completely paralyze me. But everyone else in my presence seem okay with killing spiders or not washing their hands after picking their nose.
There are things that I do that people think are weird. For example, I can watch a movie that I really like 2 times/day for a week and still not get bored of it. I also enjoy watching people play video games, but I don't really like to play them myself unless it's Kirby or Donkey Kong on the good ol' Nintendo and Super Nintendo.
I don't drink, but I really like the smell of beer and un-smoked cigarettes. Heavenly smells if you ask me. Then I get confused when people tell me they like the smell of coffee and gasoline. Why? Why do you like those smells? It makes me gag.
Okay, so there is one thing that I use to completely disagree with and never understood why people did it. I use to judge people who watch The Bachelor. I use to think, "am I the only one that doesn't watch it?" Now I have conformed to the general public.
Please comfort me now and not let me think that I am a total freak. And if I am, so what. Don't be judgin'.
I babysat two kids during the day while their mother was out of town. I had a lot of fun with them and they are two very outgoing kids. However, during church, they rarely sit with their parents. They mostly sit with other people and play with them, or play with their toys or color and chat with them. For the most part, it looks like these people that sit with the kids enjoy their company during Sacrament meeting. Now, this has me asking the question, "Am I the only one?".
One of the kids came up to sit with me on Sunday. He took out all of his toys and wanted me to play with him. Now, maybe I'm just not good with small children in large meetings, but I felt like he was talking really loudly around me and that everyone was looking at me to quiet the kid down.
So I did the only thing I could think of: I ignored him.
A few minutes later, he packed up all his stuff and went to another bench where other people were sitting and bugged them. They liked it.
But really, am I the only one that doesn't like other kids sitting with me?
And this got me thinking of other things that I don't like that other people seem to embrace.
Foods for example like ketchup on eggs, butter on pancakes, fries dipped in a frosty, or ordering salad as a main dish. Does everyone do that?
Then there are fears like spiders and germs that completely paralyze me. But everyone else in my presence seem okay with killing spiders or not washing their hands after picking their nose.
There are things that I do that people think are weird. For example, I can watch a movie that I really like 2 times/day for a week and still not get bored of it. I also enjoy watching people play video games, but I don't really like to play them myself unless it's Kirby or Donkey Kong on the good ol' Nintendo and Super Nintendo.
I don't drink, but I really like the smell of beer and un-smoked cigarettes. Heavenly smells if you ask me. Then I get confused when people tell me they like the smell of coffee and gasoline. Why? Why do you like those smells? It makes me gag.
Okay, so there is one thing that I use to completely disagree with and never understood why people did it. I use to judge people who watch The Bachelor. I use to think, "am I the only one that doesn't watch it?" Now I have conformed to the general public.
Please comfort me now and not let me think that I am a total freak. And if I am, so what. Don't be judgin'.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Everyday's the Weekend: A Glimps into Retirement
It all started the other night when I turned to John and said, "John, what day is it tomorrow?"
He kindly laughed in my face, said it was Wednesday and sarcastically said, "what, is everyday a weekend for you now?"
Well, yeah. Pretty much.
How do retired people do it? I don't mean every retired person. I mean, the really REALLY retired people that didn't plan for retirement when they were younger, have no money, live off social security, and only go to the grocery story once a week?
John always says that he should retire now so that we can start our retirement traveling. The only problem is that our retirement fund isn't exactly where it needs to be for us to live for the rest of our lives.
Okay, back to my "everyday being a weekend" topic. So, all the days blend together for me. So? At least I remember when I have my doctor appointments.
Question: Do I ever get bored or lonely? Nope. Not really.
I might occasionally, but then I just call my sister on Skype, have a 12 minute conversation with 2 hours of laughing at each other.
So, I've been thinking of ideas of things that I am going to do when I am retired, assuming that I'm independent and don't need a 21-year-old college punk to wipe my butt.
First, I'm going to travel everywhere. Keep in mind, I don't want to be the kind of person that waits to do all of their traveling as an old childless woman. When I was growing up, we traveled everywhere. It was super fun except when we would be driving and my brother and sister would breath on me or complain that I was taking up "the whole back seat". However, when I retire, I want to keep the traveling up.
Second, I am going to do everyone's visiting teaching in the ward. Well, maybe just the visiting teaching for the pregnant ladies that are bums who sit on their couch all day updating their blogs (me). Gotta help relieve their stress somehow.
Third, is a must: I WILL watch all seasons of Threes Company again. What better time to do it than during retirement!
I guess retirement is still a really long long way away for me. I mean, look at my parents. My dad is SUPER old and he's still not retired. I'm sure if he didn't love his job he would look to retire earlier.
The moral of this rambling is, I hope that John hates his job when he's in his late forties/early fifties. Then we can start retirement extra early! Just look at all the things that I already have planned! Retirement is GREAT!
He kindly laughed in my face, said it was Wednesday and sarcastically said, "what, is everyday a weekend for you now?"
Well, yeah. Pretty much.
How do retired people do it? I don't mean every retired person. I mean, the really REALLY retired people that didn't plan for retirement when they were younger, have no money, live off social security, and only go to the grocery story once a week?
John always says that he should retire now so that we can start our retirement traveling. The only problem is that our retirement fund isn't exactly where it needs to be for us to live for the rest of our lives.
Okay, back to my "everyday being a weekend" topic. So, all the days blend together for me. So? At least I remember when I have my doctor appointments.
Question: Do I ever get bored or lonely? Nope. Not really.
I might occasionally, but then I just call my sister on Skype, have a 12 minute conversation with 2 hours of laughing at each other.
So, I've been thinking of ideas of things that I am going to do when I am retired, assuming that I'm independent and don't need a 21-year-old college punk to wipe my butt.
First, I'm going to travel everywhere. Keep in mind, I don't want to be the kind of person that waits to do all of their traveling as an old childless woman. When I was growing up, we traveled everywhere. It was super fun except when we would be driving and my brother and sister would breath on me or complain that I was taking up "the whole back seat". However, when I retire, I want to keep the traveling up.
Second, I am going to do everyone's visiting teaching in the ward. Well, maybe just the visiting teaching for the pregnant ladies that are bums who sit on their couch all day updating their blogs (me). Gotta help relieve their stress somehow.
Third, is a must: I WILL watch all seasons of Threes Company again. What better time to do it than during retirement!
I guess retirement is still a really long long way away for me. I mean, look at my parents. My dad is SUPER old and he's still not retired. I'm sure if he didn't love his job he would look to retire earlier.
The moral of this rambling is, I hope that John hates his job when he's in his late forties/early fifties. Then we can start retirement extra early! Just look at all the things that I already have planned! Retirement is GREAT!
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