This is how I always remembered my favorite N Syncer.

Innocent eh?
Let's just say that he has changed a bit...

So he's gay. No problem. That's not why I regret my childhood crush on him. I just can't believed I wasted all that time recording every single N Sync TV appearance. You see, it's not like today where we have digital recording. I grew up in the days when if we wanted to record something from the TV, we used a good ol' video tape. It looks like a little black rectangular box that would record images on a small film strip (just for you all born after 1990). Man, it was a pain, but it was worth the 5 min interview of N Sync on Oprah. But why did I do this? Was I the only person? Are there still crazy teens out there that would do obsessive stuff like that?
YEAH! Unfortunately there are teens that are much more obsessive. Poor souls. All I can say is, see a Psychologist. And the sooner the better. That is actually the purpose of this blog. Just take my advice.
Now about him being gay, I was a little disappointed when I found out. I think he "came out of the closet" right before I went on a mission, but I think I didn't find out until I got home. Now, being a member of the LDS church, many people who are not members of the church sometimes get the idea that we are intolerant of those who are homosexual. There are some that are, and that's their problem. I don't understand why. People that are homosexual doesn't make them a disease. It's not contagious. I feel that I am tolerant and don't see a gay person as different. And just because I don't believe in gay marriage doesn't me that I don't think a gay person shouldn't try to enjoy life. I do not encourage homosexual behavior, but if you are gay, I'll support you. And secretly, if you are guy that's gay, start hitting on Lance Bass and ask him out to dinner. Then invite me along so I can get that picture with him I've always wanted and deserve.
For those of you who are wondering, my husband is WAY better looking than Lance Bass.
If you want more information on my former love, check out wikipedia. That's where I get all my information.
haaahaaahaa! Yes, what were you thinking? I don't remember you recording every TV appearance. Maybe you started that after I left home to hide your shame from me?
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, I do remember reading your journal that one time (sorry about that. It really was just once though, I promise. ) professing your love for Timberlake. I wonder when that love died. At least that would have been a respectable crush.