I have about a million pet peeves. I get annoyed easily with things that people do and when I do get annoyed, I always let loose and let people know that they are being a bugga-boo. I was chatting it up (with my sister of course) about things that super bug me, but I realized a lot of things that bug me that other people do, I am guilty of doing it myself but at an even more annoying level.
So, let me share with you some of my flaws. Up until now, you may have thought that I was just a perfect person that could do nothing wrong, but since I always bag on my sister, it's about time that I let loose about some of my bad habits that bug me about other people but I often do myself.
Let's keep it to a minimum shall we? I might be able to go on all day.
1. Sniffing a stuffy nose- when other people sniff their drippy snot, all I can think is, "blow you nose already"! I've had a stuffy nose for the past few days and I never grab a tissue to get rid of all the snot.
2. Asking questions during movies- It's annoying enough when people talk during movies, but it's so annoying when I am watching a movie and someone with me asks questions about the movie: especially when I haven't seen the movie either. However, I think I am the WORST when it comes to talking during movies. Sorry to my dear friends and family who watch movies with me... especially John.
3. Go out in public wearing pjs- Whenever I see someone out in public (especially Walmart) wearing pjs or exercise short, I just think, "did you not have 2 minutes to change into real pants before leaving the house?" Guess not. But guess who wears basketball shorts and a baggy shirt in public? Me. Since I put a floor length coat on when I go outside, I justify that as okay to go out in public. However my 9-month pregnant belly doesn't allow me to zip up my coat, so everyone can see my embarrassing outfit.
4. Chipped nail polish- Just re-polish your nails dude. Finger nail polish doesn't bug me as much as toe nail polish. If you don't have time to polish your toe nails, wear shoes and socks. However, do not look at my feet right now.
5. People that complain about problems to a person who can't fix them- I can't help you if you are ugly or fat, so don't complain to me. Oh, but I am sorry that I complain to you about it.
6. Crybabies- Overly emotional people get on my nerves. Now, I don't want to offend people, but when people cry over "being in love" or something mushy like that, I naturally roll my eyes and tune out. Now, I am just a crybaby now because of pregnancy hormones. It's just a pet peeve that I am currently guilty of doing.
7. Waddling pregnant women- I don't know why the waddling of pregnant women was so annoying before, but it bugged me. My waddle is more like an gorilla limp.
8. People who think they're funny when they're not- take my blog for example: everything I write on here I think is just pure genius comedy, but you know the truth.
I often use to ask the question, "If I were someone else, would I be friends with me?". Hopefully I would be, but after looking at all the things that I do that bug me, maybe I wouldn't be.
Oh, and just for the heads up, I hate the word "random". Big pet peeve of mine that I don't use, but you should know so you don't use it in front of me.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Melinda's Medical Advice: Adult ADD
The other night, my dear sister started typing a lovely message for me on Skype. Now, although my sister is older than I am, with children, already graduated from college, and has more life experiences, she ALWAYS comes to me for intellectual insights and advice. The latest: she is taking advantage of my biology knowledge and wants me to give her a medical diagnosis.
Of course, the first thing I do is go to my most reliable source: wikipedia.com Actually, my sister referred me to an article that she had been reading about Adult Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. Now, just for her embarrassment, I thought I would break down each of these ADD components to see if she really does have adult ADD:
1. Procrastination: My sister has lived in her current house for something like 3 years now. Recently, she told me that she has cleaned all her windows and was in awe that clean windows allowed for her to see out of them. She has been meaning to clean the windows regularly since moving in, but just three years later did she start cleaning them.
Let's see, procrastination? Check!
2. Indecision: Now, the style guru that I am, who wouldn't want to ask for my fashion advice? But my sister, just can't figure out these outfits on her own. Luckily, modern technology allows her to send picture e-mails or Skype so that I can approve of her outfits and make a decision for her.
So, symptom #2? Check!
3. Avoiding tasks that require sustained attention: While I was spending my time researching and asking questions so I could properly diagnose my sister (w/ or w/o ADD), she kindly said, "oh well, I've lost interest in my diagnosis. what are you guys talking about?" (copied and pasted from Skype)
Short attention span? Check!
I guess that seals the deal! She has Adult ADD.
Okay, so maybe I was a little rough and perhaps exaggerated some of her "symptoms". I really don't think she has ADD, but it's always a blast making fun of my sister's habits.
*Note: If you believe that you suffer from ADD or ADHD, feel free to ask me in the comment section of this blog. I will gladly give you my opinion.
Of course, the first thing I do is go to my most reliable source: wikipedia.com Actually, my sister referred me to an article that she had been reading about Adult Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. Now, just for her embarrassment, I thought I would break down each of these ADD components to see if she really does have adult ADD:
1. Procrastination: My sister has lived in her current house for something like 3 years now. Recently, she told me that she has cleaned all her windows and was in awe that clean windows allowed for her to see out of them. She has been meaning to clean the windows regularly since moving in, but just three years later did she start cleaning them.
Let's see, procrastination? Check!
2. Indecision: Now, the style guru that I am, who wouldn't want to ask for my fashion advice? But my sister, just can't figure out these outfits on her own. Luckily, modern technology allows her to send picture e-mails or Skype so that I can approve of her outfits and make a decision for her.
So, symptom #2? Check!
3. Avoiding tasks that require sustained attention: While I was spending my time researching and asking questions so I could properly diagnose my sister (w/ or w/o ADD), she kindly said, "oh well, I've lost interest in my diagnosis. what are you guys talking about?" (copied and pasted from Skype)
Short attention span? Check!
I guess that seals the deal! She has Adult ADD.
Okay, so maybe I was a little rough and perhaps exaggerated some of her "symptoms". I really don't think she has ADD, but it's always a blast making fun of my sister's habits.
*Note: If you believe that you suffer from ADD or ADHD, feel free to ask me in the comment section of this blog. I will gladly give you my opinion.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Why Husbands Feel Pregnant Too
I am a really really bad pregnant lady. Some women don't get sick or moody during pregnancy and enjoy every minute of it. On the contrary, I feel like I am on the worse end of the pregnancy symptoms, but I'm not the only one. Here are some symptoms I feel and how my husband feels them too.
1. Constant urination- I urinate about every 30 minutes during the day and at least every two hours during the nighttime. However in the middle of the night I don't flush the toilet because I figured it's liquid, I can't see it because it's dark, and the sound of the flush wakes me up.
I have a nightlight in my hallway, so when I open the door in the middle of the night, it lights up our bedroom. Then when I get back into bed, I always kick John and toss and turn for 5 minutes before I can fall asleep again. Poor guy. I know I wake him up in the night because he either stops snoring or moans a little, but he never remembers in the morning. I guess that symptom doesn't effect him as much.
2. Snoring- I was never one to snore before pregnancy, but now I snore louder than a freight train.
Poor John; the only time I snore is in his ear.
3. Tired ALL the time- I feel so tired all the time and I'm just immobile that I just sit in the house all day. It's not that fun. Sometimes, I can't even have people come over because it just stresses me out, or I will just be too tired or too sick to entertain anyone (remember I always have to be the center of attention).
With me being tired all the time, that means that John doesn't get to go out as often either. I mean, he can if he wants to, but being freezing cold where we live, going out all alone is lonely. Plus, after going out on our fun adventures together, him going alone would just be boring. Then I would cry that I was home alone while he did all the fun stuff. Poor husband. He has to deal with this pregnancy like I do.
4. Don't even get me started on mood swings. When I start getting in a bad mood, I try to exercise or move my body, but then I am just so tired and my lungs are so crowded that walking to the bathroom is more exercise than I even want.
And something I learned when I was younger, when mom is in a bad mood, everyone is in a bad mood.
5. My back constantly hurts. John has to massage it daily or I cry and can't sleep.
My back hurts equals his hands in pain from all that massaging. Then when I found out that massaging helps keep the feet from getting fat and swelling, he had something else to massage.
At least my feet are still cute.
Even through all my complaining, I'm surprise John doesn't complain at all because he certainly has a lot of things that he could complain about. I still have my smashed lungs, feelings of being fat, itchy stomach, laziness, grumpiness, extreme heartburn, soar ribs, occasional inability to walk, constant crying, and often a lopsided stomach.
John, on the other hand, has to clean the bathroom, make his own dinner most nights (grilled cheese or nachos), do the dishes, switch the laundry, take out the trash, constantly fill my glass with water, and listen to me whine all the time.
I'd say, he's got it worse than I do.
1. Constant urination- I urinate about every 30 minutes during the day and at least every two hours during the nighttime. However in the middle of the night I don't flush the toilet because I figured it's liquid, I can't see it because it's dark, and the sound of the flush wakes me up.
I have a nightlight in my hallway, so when I open the door in the middle of the night, it lights up our bedroom. Then when I get back into bed, I always kick John and toss and turn for 5 minutes before I can fall asleep again. Poor guy. I know I wake him up in the night because he either stops snoring or moans a little, but he never remembers in the morning. I guess that symptom doesn't effect him as much.
2. Snoring- I was never one to snore before pregnancy, but now I snore louder than a freight train.
Poor John; the only time I snore is in his ear.
3. Tired ALL the time- I feel so tired all the time and I'm just immobile that I just sit in the house all day. It's not that fun. Sometimes, I can't even have people come over because it just stresses me out, or I will just be too tired or too sick to entertain anyone (remember I always have to be the center of attention).
With me being tired all the time, that means that John doesn't get to go out as often either. I mean, he can if he wants to, but being freezing cold where we live, going out all alone is lonely. Plus, after going out on our fun adventures together, him going alone would just be boring. Then I would cry that I was home alone while he did all the fun stuff. Poor husband. He has to deal with this pregnancy like I do.
4. Don't even get me started on mood swings. When I start getting in a bad mood, I try to exercise or move my body, but then I am just so tired and my lungs are so crowded that walking to the bathroom is more exercise than I even want.
And something I learned when I was younger, when mom is in a bad mood, everyone is in a bad mood.
5. My back constantly hurts. John has to massage it daily or I cry and can't sleep.
My back hurts equals his hands in pain from all that massaging. Then when I found out that massaging helps keep the feet from getting fat and swelling, he had something else to massage.
At least my feet are still cute.
Even through all my complaining, I'm surprise John doesn't complain at all because he certainly has a lot of things that he could complain about. I still have my smashed lungs, feelings of being fat, itchy stomach, laziness, grumpiness, extreme heartburn, soar ribs, occasional inability to walk, constant crying, and often a lopsided stomach.
John, on the other hand, has to clean the bathroom, make his own dinner most nights (grilled cheese or nachos), do the dishes, switch the laundry, take out the trash, constantly fill my glass with water, and listen to me whine all the time.
I'd say, he's got it worse than I do.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Self Esteem of Melinda
I felt the urge to blog today because I have a friend that updates her blog every day. Every time that I read her blog, I feel like I need to update mine. Of course, I asked my sister what I should blog about. She said that I should write about how I went from a shy little mouse to a bold (over) confident woman. Well, here I go.
I never ever talked to people when I was younger. I distinctly remember always hiding behind my mom when anyone came to talk to me. At home, I was loud. Some would even say annoying, but in public, it was a completely different story.
When I was a month away from my 6th birthday, I remember going to my friend Mackenzie's 6th birthday party. I was really excited and still to this day, I remember sitting in her living room thinking to myself, today, I am going to talk to people. And that's what I did. Not only did I talk, but I talked A LOT. Well, a lot for me.
Little did I know, Mackenzie, the birthday girl, was just as shocked of my talking as I was. Years later, her mother said that that birthday party, Mackenzie ran up to her mother and said, "Mom! She talks!"
I would like to say that that was the day that changed my social life forever, but after that party, I reverted back to my shy ways.
Then I think in Junior High School, it all changed. I don't remember a certain time that I decided I was going to be outgoing or a certain situation that opened my eyes to the world of talking to people, but Jr High was different. I'm not going to lie. Even ask anyone that knew me at the time. I was ANNOYING! Drama was the vocab word of the year and everything in my life centered around drama.
It's similar to most Junior High School students these days. I think walking into a Jr High, most of the kids are loud and annoying just like I was. That's the time to change. A new school, new people, and teachers. I worked at a Jr High for several years after I graduated High School and I could tell which students use to be shy, but were trying to shed that image. Unfortunately those who were born shy (me) turned annoying instead of those who were just naturally outgoing and friendly.
Luckily that changed.
Maybe it didn't change that much. For some reason now, I feel like I have to be the center of attention constantly. Not with new groups of people, but with my friends. It's a natural thing now. I don't try to be. I just always have something to say or an opinion about something and for some reason, I think every cares what I have to say.
It's all about self esteem. I wasn't exactly high on the "hot or not" list when I was younger or a teen. I wouldn't say I had bad self esteem, but it's not like I thought I was "God's gift to men" or anything. When I started looking in the mirror and started quoting Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live, I became more outgoing. Just say it with me now:
"I'm good enough; I'm smart enough, and dog-gone-it, people like me." <-- click on it to say it along with Stuart.
So now, I am overly confident and not nearly as shy as I was as a child. And that's my life story. Hopefully my children won't turn out like me, but if they do, I will show them youtube clips of my dear friend, Stuart Smalley.
I never ever talked to people when I was younger. I distinctly remember always hiding behind my mom when anyone came to talk to me. At home, I was loud. Some would even say annoying, but in public, it was a completely different story.
When I was a month away from my 6th birthday, I remember going to my friend Mackenzie's 6th birthday party. I was really excited and still to this day, I remember sitting in her living room thinking to myself, today, I am going to talk to people. And that's what I did. Not only did I talk, but I talked A LOT. Well, a lot for me.
Little did I know, Mackenzie, the birthday girl, was just as shocked of my talking as I was. Years later, her mother said that that birthday party, Mackenzie ran up to her mother and said, "Mom! She talks!"
I would like to say that that was the day that changed my social life forever, but after that party, I reverted back to my shy ways.
Then I think in Junior High School, it all changed. I don't remember a certain time that I decided I was going to be outgoing or a certain situation that opened my eyes to the world of talking to people, but Jr High was different. I'm not going to lie. Even ask anyone that knew me at the time. I was ANNOYING! Drama was the vocab word of the year and everything in my life centered around drama.
It's similar to most Junior High School students these days. I think walking into a Jr High, most of the kids are loud and annoying just like I was. That's the time to change. A new school, new people, and teachers. I worked at a Jr High for several years after I graduated High School and I could tell which students use to be shy, but were trying to shed that image. Unfortunately those who were born shy (me) turned annoying instead of those who were just naturally outgoing and friendly.
Luckily that changed.
Maybe it didn't change that much. For some reason now, I feel like I have to be the center of attention constantly. Not with new groups of people, but with my friends. It's a natural thing now. I don't try to be. I just always have something to say or an opinion about something and for some reason, I think every cares what I have to say.
It's all about self esteem. I wasn't exactly high on the "hot or not" list when I was younger or a teen. I wouldn't say I had bad self esteem, but it's not like I thought I was "God's gift to men" or anything. When I started looking in the mirror and started quoting Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live, I became more outgoing. Just say it with me now:
"I'm good enough; I'm smart enough, and dog-gone-it, people like me." <-- click on it to say it along with Stuart.
So now, I am overly confident and not nearly as shy as I was as a child. And that's my life story. Hopefully my children won't turn out like me, but if they do, I will show them youtube clips of my dear friend, Stuart Smalley.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day

As of right now, I have absolutely no idea what I am going to write, but I just feel like I'm obligated to write about Valentine's Day. I feel like it's important to write about days like John Ritter's brithday, John's Ritter's death, and other important days that fill my calendar, so why not write about the day that people either love or absolutely despise.
Surprisingly, growing up, Valentine's day was one of my favorite holidays. I have no explanation why, but I really liked it. I don't even think I ever dated anyone on Valentine's day until I met my husband. It was just a day where everyone was always happy and most importantly a day where I would get candy from my teachers in grade school.
One tradition that I love is Valentines. It was only good in elementary school when we were forced to give a Valentine to everyone in the class so that nobody would feel left out. Everyone would always get one, but I remember Julia Erickson always got the pretty homemade ones from certain admirers in the classroom. All the girls knew that every boy had a crush on her, so we weren't jealous at all. We were content with what we got.
I tried to research Valentine's Day online, but then I got really bored after reading the first paragraph on Wikipedia. I'm not really sure why we have V-day, but I remember watching the movie Valentine's Day. You know, the movie with all those celebrities and stuff. I hated that movie. I watched the edited version, got mad at myself for wasting almost 2 hours of my life watching it. Then I watch the last ten minutes unedited once and boy, it became scary. Okay, the point is, don't watch that movie.
Though I don't have any strong feelings towards V-day, I am going to make sugar cookies. I got cookie cutters a long time ago and never used them and I have been waiting for the day that I wasn't too lazy to get off my rear and make them. Today must be the day even though I am procrastinating with my blog writing. I don't have any food coloring, so it's not like I'm going to have nice pink and red cookies. Just white, but I just want sugar in cookie form, so it works perfectly for me.
Oh, but can I tell you the one thing that I do hate about Valentine's Day? I hate it when it is referred to as "Single's Awareness Day". It bugs me like crazy. It bugged me even before I was married, so you single people, don't try to pin the negativity on me. When I was single, I thought every dateless Friday night was Single's Awareness Day and that Valentine's day was just a good reason to chill with my female friends at Cold Stone. That's the reality of it.
Well, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. Make sugar cookies and stuff your face with chocolate. Even better, go to the store tomorrow morning and get all the chocolate that's half off. If you do that, Valentine's day will be even better tomorrow.
Monday, February 7, 2011
How I Became the Richest Woman in Idaho

Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration.... I may not be THE richest woman of the good ol' pan-shaped state, but I sure have saved a TON of money in the past few months. It's no secret. Even YOU can do it.
Unfortunately, I feel like this topic just totally goes in one ear and out the other for the single folks out there. Also men and lazy people seem not to pay much attention to this topic either. But let me tell you, follow my advice and you will be RICH. The Secret?

Coupons Coupons Coupons;

Sales Sales Sales.
So, it's really just two words repeated multiple times.
My proudest shopping moment was just a few weeks ago when I went to Albertsons because they did have the Sales Sales Sales that I needed. I spent 26 bucks and saved 76 DOLLAS! HOLLA! Okay, I never say that, but it seemed appropriate for the success story.
I have to admit, it does take quite a bit of time to search for these savings. I just bought three expensive things for baby preparation online, but it took me about 4 hours to research everything to make sure I was getting the best quality and price.
Worth it? Well, considering I am unemployed and don't supply any of my family's income, it was definitely worth the time. Heck, I'd call it my full time job. If I can't make money, I'm going to save money.
There are many methods to saving money, but here is a list that helps ME to save money and will most likely help you.
1. Join a few coupons sites. You will get manufacturers' coupons sent to you via e-mail. I only really use one. Here's the link:
I get these coupons e-mailed to me, then I can print off whichever ones I want.
Another coupon thing that I really like is this:
http://www.shopathome.com/ It is something that you have to download to your toolbar and it was a bit of a pain to do that, but it is so worth it. It has a place with a bunch of coupons, but my favorite part is whenever I google something, the toolbar comes up with coupons for whichever site I just googled. For example, I was just looking at amazon.com for baby stuff and in my toolbar there is a link to amazon coupons! It's great.
2. Here's my rule of thumb on coupons and saving money: if you don't already buy the product, don't print or even cut out the coupon.
Don't be tempted with buying things with coupons that you usually don't buy. First of all, you will end up spending more money because you will be buying things that you don't really need or just wanted to try, but weren't completely satisfied. It even saves you money on printing out the coupon or saves you in the long run from carpel tunnel from cutting all those coupons.
3. Go to WalMart. I thought it was white trash for so long, but WalMart is the best. They have everything at great prices in the first place, but they take ANY store's coupons. I got a Target ad with a lot of good deals for $2 or $3 off, but I used them at WalMart with WalMart prices plus the 2 or 3 bucks off. Then that saves you driving around to a bunch of different stores with a bunch of different sales.
4. Use coupons in conjunction with a sale. In all honesty, that's the only real way to make it worth it. If you ever had a bunch of coupons at a store, you might notice that the store brand is cheaper even with the name brand and it's coupon. When using it with a sale, you can even get things that you want for pennies or even for free.
The only exception to this rule is Cheez It. Let's face it, the store brand always tastes gross.
5. I hate junk mail in my e-mail box more than anyone. Fortunately I have a junk e-mail address that I use to sign up for stores to send me e-mails. They have so many promotions through e-mail that you can get tons of stuff for free with samples, free shipping, or wild internet discounts. I end up getting like 50 e-mails a day from a bunch of different stores. If I have no desire to get anything from the store at that time, I just delete the e-mail. Its not that hard, but it is worth the money that I've saved.
Oh, and get free samples while you're at it. It's better to try a sample size than buy something on sale that you've never tried before. Lots of websites mail out free samples. Just check.
6. Get as many ads mailed to you as you can. Then you can see all the sales the stores have. See:

7. This isn't for everyone, but if you have the discipline in saving money and set a budget for yourself, get a credit card that gives you points or cash back on your purchases. We got a new credit card with a new bank account 6ish months ago and have already made more than 300 bucks cash back and all because we swipe our credit card. This really doesn't work for everyone, but if you can use a credit card like you spend cash, go for it. If you need suggestions, drop me a line yo.
Oh yeah, and I just wanted to add that I get redbox movies ALL the time time. You know what? I haven't paid for a movie in over 6 months. You know why? I get free promotion codes all the time sent to my phone, or other free code that I find online. Never have to spend money at redbox again.
Wasn't that fun! Talking about coupons makes me so excited! I should total up how much money that I save each month with my smart shopping. I bet I save more money with research than I would if I didn't use coupons and had a part time job.
Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it always feels good to save money.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Is the Mani-Pedi Always This Way?
Have you ever gotten your nails done? Hands? Toes? Anything? I've gotten those fake french tip nails twice before: once for Senior Ball and again for my friend MacKenzie's wedding. It was a nice bonding experience with my girlfriends, but something was the same each time that we went: the workers were all Vietnamese.
Yesterday for the first time in my life, I got a pedicure. As with the previous two times going into the nail salon, the lovely ladies that were pampering me were Vietnamese. I consider myself pretty good at understanding people with thick Asian accents, but boy was it hard this time. Plus, since I went alone, I didn't have my girlfriends to talk to right next to me.
Watch this youtube video and it will give you a glimpse of what I went through yesterday...
See what I went through?! Plus it's hard to say no to things that they say because they make it sound so good. Then when you see their small children running around the store because they have nowhere else to go, I just feel sorry for them and feel like I have to say yes. Luckily, I still got away with the minimum.
Yesterday for the first time in my life, I got a pedicure. As with the previous two times going into the nail salon, the lovely ladies that were pampering me were Vietnamese. I consider myself pretty good at understanding people with thick Asian accents, but boy was it hard this time. Plus, since I went alone, I didn't have my girlfriends to talk to right next to me.
Watch this youtube video and it will give you a glimpse of what I went through yesterday...
See what I went through?! Plus it's hard to say no to things that they say because they make it sound so good. Then when you see their small children running around the store because they have nowhere else to go, I just feel sorry for them and feel like I have to say yes. Luckily, I still got away with the minimum.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
恭喜發財! Happy New Year! I Don't Live in Poverty Anymore!
Today is Chinese New Year and the start of the year of the Rabbit! My child will be a rabbit.
New tradition: Now that my sister and I aren't the richest people in the world and can't fly to Hong Kong for Chinese New Year, we decided that every year on Chinese New Year, we are going to eat Chinese food. In reality, both of us probably make some sort of Chinese food ever week anyway, but that is going to be one day each year that is a Chinese food MUST!
PS I know this sounds silly, especially as a "half-breed" and eating it 3 times per week as a child, but I don't know how to make fried rice. Pathetic eh?
As for the "I don't live in poverty" part of my title, there is a reason behind it. John and I made a mistake while we were gone. To make a long story short and to try to keep me from sounding like an idiot, we had no running water in our house this week. Luckily, we have kind neighbors that let us shower at their house. Today, we went down to Utah again for a business trip and came back tonight, turned on the water in our tub, and 10 minutes later, the water started flowing! We have running water!
Now I can do the dishes (in the bathtub) and possibly shower (in ice-cube temperature water). Life is grand ain't it!
As for the rest of the night, Happy New Year!
New tradition: Now that my sister and I aren't the richest people in the world and can't fly to Hong Kong for Chinese New Year, we decided that every year on Chinese New Year, we are going to eat Chinese food. In reality, both of us probably make some sort of Chinese food ever week anyway, but that is going to be one day each year that is a Chinese food MUST!
PS I know this sounds silly, especially as a "half-breed" and eating it 3 times per week as a child, but I don't know how to make fried rice. Pathetic eh?
As for the "I don't live in poverty" part of my title, there is a reason behind it. John and I made a mistake while we were gone. To make a long story short and to try to keep me from sounding like an idiot, we had no running water in our house this week. Luckily, we have kind neighbors that let us shower at their house. Today, we went down to Utah again for a business trip and came back tonight, turned on the water in our tub, and 10 minutes later, the water started flowing! We have running water!
Now I can do the dishes (in the bathtub) and possibly shower (in ice-cube temperature water). Life is grand ain't it!
As for the rest of the night, Happy New Year!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Life and Times of Melinda's Day
Sadly, my blog has turned into a complaining, boring read instead of my originally intended interesting observations about nothing. But hey, was that a surprise to anyone?
I think I figured out a reason why each progressing blog entry gets more and more boring. Maybe it's because I am getting more and more boring. I remember when I was younger my father use to say, "only boring people get bored". I never wanted to admit that I was a boring person, so I always kept myself occupied doing stuff.
Here are some reasons that I was thinking about. You know, the reasons why my blogs are getting boring. I'm eight months pregnant, not in school, not working, don't really have any real agenda from day to day, and I am usually just sick all day long. Doing things just aren't even fun for me. Just a big pain.
So let me outline my day for you. How about today? Let me warn you. Today I was the first bad day that I've had in a really really long time. Like, since Junior high when my so-called-friend stole a journal that my friend and I had and read it to all the boys in the bathroom. Luckily, I didn't reveal anything personal.
John and I came home last night from a 2 day trip to Utah and we came home to NOTHING working in our house. We had no running water because all the pipes froze. You know that no running water means? That means no showering and no showering means me being really grumpy and really stinky.
I woke up around 8:30 because I had a meeting and I needed to leave my house at 8:45. Didn't shower, nothing. I did brush my teeth. Nasty breath makes me gag.
My sister wants deep details so let me tell you about the joys of brushing my teeth. I always use to love brushing my teeth. I use to brush my teeth so many times each day that my dentist told me I brushed too much and that I needed to cut down. Not a problem now. I DREAD brushing my teeth. As a pregnant lady, I have a super bad gag reflex. Between 3-6 monthish of pregnancy, I threw up 25% of the time that I brushed my teeth. Let's just say it's not my favorite thing to do anymore.
Don't even get me started on flossing.
John didn't have to leave for work until 10:30 today so I drove his car to my early meeting. It's a stick shift and it was not in the mood to shift this morning. It was -18 degrees outside. My nose hairs froze and everything. I guess it's a good thing that my water pipes are frozen because if I showered my hair would have turned into a very large ice cube.
My body doesn't work as well as it use to. I can never get comfortable, every part of my body is sore (even the unmentionable parts), and even my insides don't like their habitat. Being in Utah for 2 days, I stayed pretty busy and didn't sleep a full 8 hours at night. Today was my day to catch up on sleep. 4 hour nap did the trick.
I feel like the only time that my body doesn't hurt is when I'm asleep. That is, as soon as I fall asleep. I find sleep is the only way to escape my body pain problems. Then when I realized that I've taken a two hour nap, I get all mad that I wasted that time when I could have been blogging.
Boring enough for you Amanda?
I haven't done the dishes in days. Nope, almost a week. I think Friday was the last day. Saturday, I spent all day in Idaho Falls and came home to exhausted to do anything, then Sunday we had to go to Salt Lake and when I got back, there was no running water. Hmm, today is Wednesday. Nasty huh. Don't worry. I bought plastic bowls today for my cereal and I always have my supply of paper plates.
I had to shower at a friend's house because I smelled so bad I even wanted to vomit. When John got home, he showered at our neighbor's house. We're going to test out this every-other-day shower technique and see how it works for us. So far, I'm not a fan.
How can people go so long without showering?
That leaves me to where I am now. Sitting on the couch, procrastinating going to bed because that means going to the bathroom ever hour until the morning. My friend just went into labor and she is 2 weeks early with her baby. I have to say, I'm a little envious, but I guess I have to do the dishes before the baby comes anyway. That might take the rest of the month.
So, if you have stuck around this long, shoot me a comment because I doubt anyone read this entire thing. If there are a lot of misspellings to incorrect grammar, I think you can understand why: I don't want to proof read it.
I actually have a to-do list tomorrow. Doesn't mean that I will do everything on the list. It depends how my body is. As for right now, I still have the same muscle super sore that I get massaged every night and I am breathing heavier than a fat man that just ran a marathon. Who knew that just sitting on the couch and typing could make me so out of breath? I blame it on my child that is smashing my lungs, but who knows? Maybe I am really THAT out of shape.
I think I figured out a reason why each progressing blog entry gets more and more boring. Maybe it's because I am getting more and more boring. I remember when I was younger my father use to say, "only boring people get bored". I never wanted to admit that I was a boring person, so I always kept myself occupied doing stuff.
Here are some reasons that I was thinking about. You know, the reasons why my blogs are getting boring. I'm eight months pregnant, not in school, not working, don't really have any real agenda from day to day, and I am usually just sick all day long. Doing things just aren't even fun for me. Just a big pain.
So let me outline my day for you. How about today? Let me warn you. Today I was the first bad day that I've had in a really really long time. Like, since Junior high when my so-called-friend stole a journal that my friend and I had and read it to all the boys in the bathroom. Luckily, I didn't reveal anything personal.
John and I came home last night from a 2 day trip to Utah and we came home to NOTHING working in our house. We had no running water because all the pipes froze. You know that no running water means? That means no showering and no showering means me being really grumpy and really stinky.
I woke up around 8:30 because I had a meeting and I needed to leave my house at 8:45. Didn't shower, nothing. I did brush my teeth. Nasty breath makes me gag.
My sister wants deep details so let me tell you about the joys of brushing my teeth. I always use to love brushing my teeth. I use to brush my teeth so many times each day that my dentist told me I brushed too much and that I needed to cut down. Not a problem now. I DREAD brushing my teeth. As a pregnant lady, I have a super bad gag reflex. Between 3-6 monthish of pregnancy, I threw up 25% of the time that I brushed my teeth. Let's just say it's not my favorite thing to do anymore.
Don't even get me started on flossing.
John didn't have to leave for work until 10:30 today so I drove his car to my early meeting. It's a stick shift and it was not in the mood to shift this morning. It was -18 degrees outside. My nose hairs froze and everything. I guess it's a good thing that my water pipes are frozen because if I showered my hair would have turned into a very large ice cube.
My body doesn't work as well as it use to. I can never get comfortable, every part of my body is sore (even the unmentionable parts), and even my insides don't like their habitat. Being in Utah for 2 days, I stayed pretty busy and didn't sleep a full 8 hours at night. Today was my day to catch up on sleep. 4 hour nap did the trick.
I feel like the only time that my body doesn't hurt is when I'm asleep. That is, as soon as I fall asleep. I find sleep is the only way to escape my body pain problems. Then when I realized that I've taken a two hour nap, I get all mad that I wasted that time when I could have been blogging.
Boring enough for you Amanda?
I haven't done the dishes in days. Nope, almost a week. I think Friday was the last day. Saturday, I spent all day in Idaho Falls and came home to exhausted to do anything, then Sunday we had to go to Salt Lake and when I got back, there was no running water. Hmm, today is Wednesday. Nasty huh. Don't worry. I bought plastic bowls today for my cereal and I always have my supply of paper plates.
I had to shower at a friend's house because I smelled so bad I even wanted to vomit. When John got home, he showered at our neighbor's house. We're going to test out this every-other-day shower technique and see how it works for us. So far, I'm not a fan.
How can people go so long without showering?
That leaves me to where I am now. Sitting on the couch, procrastinating going to bed because that means going to the bathroom ever hour until the morning. My friend just went into labor and she is 2 weeks early with her baby. I have to say, I'm a little envious, but I guess I have to do the dishes before the baby comes anyway. That might take the rest of the month.
So, if you have stuck around this long, shoot me a comment because I doubt anyone read this entire thing. If there are a lot of misspellings to incorrect grammar, I think you can understand why: I don't want to proof read it.
I actually have a to-do list tomorrow. Doesn't mean that I will do everything on the list. It depends how my body is. As for right now, I still have the same muscle super sore that I get massaged every night and I am breathing heavier than a fat man that just ran a marathon. Who knew that just sitting on the couch and typing could make me so out of breath? I blame it on my child that is smashing my lungs, but who knows? Maybe I am really THAT out of shape.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Too Many Passwords and Too Many Usernames
Is it just me, or are there way too many sites on the internet that require a username and password? At first I liked it, but now, frankly, I get annoyed.
I understand having a username and password for certain things like e-mail, facebook, online banking, online family history, you know, all the things that you don't want other people to be snooping around. But then I don't understand why I need to have a username and password to print coupons off the internet or read an entertaining article about something scandalous that one of my favorite celebrities did.
Here's my little secret that most of you already do. I have the same username and password for everything that I don't care about. Then all the important stuff, I have a different username and change the password often so nosey people won't have any desire to spend hours uncracking an e-mail password to an inbox with a bunch of boring messages. I feel like I have had a good system that has worked for me all this time.
Then there are the frustrating days. Picture this: you have 4 minutes until midnight and you need to order something from amazon.com before the sale is over. Talk about stress right there. You find everything that you wanted and you go to check your cart out. Oh no. An unexpected screen pops up and says that you need to enter your username and password. No problem right? It's the same one you have for everything else. Unfortunately due to a glitch in the system, your password is incorrect. By the time you go through all the security questions, which you might have forgotten some of the answers to or which ones you picked, you have to check your e-mail, re-sign on, find all the things you wanted on sale, purchase, throw in that credit card number.... well, you think 4 minutes is enough time to get that deal that ends at midnight? Yeah, I didn't think so either.
So come on folks, please. If you ever make a website, please don't make me have a username and password. Let me order what I want online, give you all my info, then send me a confirmation e-mail. Wouldn't life be grand if this were a reality?
I understand having a username and password for certain things like e-mail, facebook, online banking, online family history, you know, all the things that you don't want other people to be snooping around. But then I don't understand why I need to have a username and password to print coupons off the internet or read an entertaining article about something scandalous that one of my favorite celebrities did.
Here's my little secret that most of you already do. I have the same username and password for everything that I don't care about. Then all the important stuff, I have a different username and change the password often so nosey people won't have any desire to spend hours uncracking an e-mail password to an inbox with a bunch of boring messages. I feel like I have had a good system that has worked for me all this time.
Then there are the frustrating days. Picture this: you have 4 minutes until midnight and you need to order something from amazon.com before the sale is over. Talk about stress right there. You find everything that you wanted and you go to check your cart out. Oh no. An unexpected screen pops up and says that you need to enter your username and password. No problem right? It's the same one you have for everything else. Unfortunately due to a glitch in the system, your password is incorrect. By the time you go through all the security questions, which you might have forgotten some of the answers to or which ones you picked, you have to check your e-mail, re-sign on, find all the things you wanted on sale, purchase, throw in that credit card number.... well, you think 4 minutes is enough time to get that deal that ends at midnight? Yeah, I didn't think so either.
So come on folks, please. If you ever make a website, please don't make me have a username and password. Let me order what I want online, give you all my info, then send me a confirmation e-mail. Wouldn't life be grand if this were a reality?
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