(Alteration for you Amanda)
My sister and I have always been very different since we were small children. Let's begin with the physical aspect:
My sister is ridiculously tall, has straight hair, and her legs are soooo buff they were bigger than I was. Let's not forget that she stopped getting asked if she wanted children's menus at restaurants when she was 7. She didn't look old and wrinkly or anything, but I think she was taller than my mother when she was 7.
Me, on the other hand, I am shorter than average, had super curly hair, and my legs were commonly referred to as "chicken legs". I was consistently asked if I wanted a children's menus at restaurants until I was 16. And let's just add that I am still shorter than my mother.
My sister has always been the basketball star of every team that she played on. However, she can only play one song on the piano and that's because she memorized the finger numbers: 354 354 354 3212 135 2 1. I bet she could still play it to this day.
Oppositely, I was very good at keeping the bench warm for the good basketball players, but I can play a mean piano.
So my sister has a goal with a title: "Fit and Fierce by February". Her youngest child will be a year old by then and she wants to be in tip top physical condition by then. Now, I was thinking, that's a great goal! Maybe I should set a goal like that! Then I was thinking, hmm.... February? I don't think so. February will be right before I give birth and let's just say I will be tipping the scales by then. After my 30 seconds of considering that goal, I decided to throw it out.
How much more opposite can we get? Well, we both do have a love of Three's Company.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Just a Little Advice for you "Lazy and Lovin' It" People: I Can Make Your Life a Little Lazier
This past week, I have been swamped with finals and I have to admit that the phrases doing the dishes, wash your clothes, and eat food seem to no longer be part of my vocabulary. But this week, I have expanded my vocabulary and I am willing to share with you a few things that helped my busy life (or replace busy with lazy because these tips will help either way).
1. Haven't done the dishes in a week? Yep, I've been there before. Don't worry. Here are some new phrases for you to learn to make the next week you don't do dishes a little easier.
a. Paper plates and plastic utensils- Now, you can use these to prevent the dishes from piling up, or do what I do: start using them after the dishes are all gone.
b. Stop eating- not eating=no dishes!
c. When the time actually comes to washing your dishes, wash one side of the sink first, then the other instead of top to bottom. I find it helpful.
d. Air Fresheners.
2. Don't have time to shower? That's okay. I know a thing or two on how to make your freshness last just a day or two longer.
a. It's important NOT to do ANY housework whatsoever. Especially the dishes. Limiting these activities will decrease any chances of unwanted sweat and any transferred odors.
b. DEODORANT- feel free to apply liberally like up and down your arm instead of limiting it to the 4-square-inch area called the arm pit.
c. Baby wipes- your rear will stay super fresh after dropping the kids off at the pool that there is almost no need to shower in the first place! Then you can remove "itchy bum" from your vocabulary indefinitely.
d. When someone at work notices that your showers are becoming few and far between, feel free to use the excuse that your cold water pipes froze and you couldn't shower unless you wanted to burn to death (or vice versa). Warning: this excuse does not work if you live in Texas, Arizona, or California. It never really drops below 70 there, so that excuse is not believable.
3. Get hungry in the middle of the night or sick of going to the bathroom ever hour while you're sleeping? (This is mostly for your pregnant ladies out there)
a. Straws- I always get thirsty in the middle of the night but I do have trouble drinking from a glass while laying down. You see, when I use a straw, I can still lay down and therefore can go back to sleep faster.
b. Toast- toast is pretty much the only thing that I can eat without getting heartburn, but who wants to walk all the way down to the kitchen, get out bread, wait for it to be toasted, butter it, then go back to bed to eat it? Simple solution: bring the toaster into the bedroom, get a paper towel, knife, butter, and you got it! You can make a meal in bed!
c. Depends adult diapers don't really sound that appealing to me even though I am still tempted everyday to buy some. Just the thought of sleeping in my own... you know what, just makes me think of itchy bums. I remember my grandma had this really cool looking pot under her bed. I loved to look at it because I thought it was so pretty. Little did I know the real use for it until I woke up in the middle of the night to a little ruckus when she left her door open. I regret sneaking that peak, but let's just say, I never looked at that pot again. However, having a pee pot under your bed means that you don't have to walk all the way to the bathroom!
That's all the advice for now. However, if you feel that you are putting too much effort into something, shoot me a comment! I'll let you know an easier solution and help you add those new phrases to your vocabulary!
1. Haven't done the dishes in a week? Yep, I've been there before. Don't worry. Here are some new phrases for you to learn to make the next week you don't do dishes a little easier.
a. Paper plates and plastic utensils- Now, you can use these to prevent the dishes from piling up, or do what I do: start using them after the dishes are all gone.
b. Stop eating- not eating=no dishes!
c. When the time actually comes to washing your dishes, wash one side of the sink first, then the other instead of top to bottom. I find it helpful.
d. Air Fresheners.
2. Don't have time to shower? That's okay. I know a thing or two on how to make your freshness last just a day or two longer.
a. It's important NOT to do ANY housework whatsoever. Especially the dishes. Limiting these activities will decrease any chances of unwanted sweat and any transferred odors.
b. DEODORANT- feel free to apply liberally like up and down your arm instead of limiting it to the 4-square-inch area called the arm pit.
c. Baby wipes- your rear will stay super fresh after dropping the kids off at the pool that there is almost no need to shower in the first place! Then you can remove "itchy bum" from your vocabulary indefinitely.
d. When someone at work notices that your showers are becoming few and far between, feel free to use the excuse that your cold water pipes froze and you couldn't shower unless you wanted to burn to death (or vice versa). Warning: this excuse does not work if you live in Texas, Arizona, or California. It never really drops below 70 there, so that excuse is not believable.
3. Get hungry in the middle of the night or sick of going to the bathroom ever hour while you're sleeping? (This is mostly for your pregnant ladies out there)
a. Straws- I always get thirsty in the middle of the night but I do have trouble drinking from a glass while laying down. You see, when I use a straw, I can still lay down and therefore can go back to sleep faster.
b. Toast- toast is pretty much the only thing that I can eat without getting heartburn, but who wants to walk all the way down to the kitchen, get out bread, wait for it to be toasted, butter it, then go back to bed to eat it? Simple solution: bring the toaster into the bedroom, get a paper towel, knife, butter, and you got it! You can make a meal in bed!
c. Depends adult diapers don't really sound that appealing to me even though I am still tempted everyday to buy some. Just the thought of sleeping in my own... you know what, just makes me think of itchy bums. I remember my grandma had this really cool looking pot under her bed. I loved to look at it because I thought it was so pretty. Little did I know the real use for it until I woke up in the middle of the night to a little ruckus when she left her door open. I regret sneaking that peak, but let's just say, I never looked at that pot again. However, having a pee pot under your bed means that you don't have to walk all the way to the bathroom!
That's all the advice for now. However, if you feel that you are putting too much effort into something, shoot me a comment! I'll let you know an easier solution and help you add those new phrases to your vocabulary!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Bajio Restaurant Review

I have no special attachment or emotional bond to Bajio. The only time I crave it is when my good friend Maren and her husband come to town or when I talk to my old roommate whose husband is the manager of a Bajio in Boise area. Other than that, there is no family history story behind it or a special uniqueness that draws me to it, but I just finished my leftovers from last night and they were good, so I had to write a review.
Food Quality 7/10
Bajio is like the wannabe version of Chipotle. I don't like Chipotle because they have cilantro in all of their rice products and I usually LOVE rice, but I think the flavor of all their other stuff is good. The cilantro just keeps me away from it. John and I got a burrito platter and the burrito is a good size: about the size of my foot, but thicker. We shared it of course and still had left overs. The beef was juicy, but lacked a little bit of flavor. I really love refried beans and Mexican rice together. It was in the burrito, but there was more meat than the cheap stuff, which is good for getting full off the burrito. All together, I would say the food is satisfactory. I'd go there again. Oh, and their Chips have like no salt on them and if you eat tortilla chips like I do, just for the salty flavor, bring a salt shaker with you so you don't choke on the dry-flavorless chip.
Price 6/10
I think our burrito was 6 bucks and $1.50 for each side. I've seen better prices for similar products, so unfortunately, Bajio didn't excel in this category.
Customer Service 7/10
I can't really think of things that they did or didn't do to make my visit more enjoyable. One young man that worked there was just glowing because it looked like he really enjoyed being there and he could make any customer's face light up. The white girls that worked there appeared that they wanted to just go home and NCMO with an unfortunate boy from their ward. One girl never even made eye contact with me when we paid for our meal! Aside from the two grumpy college girls, it was pretty good. They expect you to throw away your trash when you're done instead of leaving it on the table. Oh, and the tables don't look like the get cleaned often, but overall, it was okay. (The happy guy boost the score one point)
Cleanliness 7/10
No major flaws. The tables are the only thing I can think of that weren't to my high standards. The food area looked pretty clean, and I didn't get any food poisoning yet, so I assume all the workers wash their hands after visiting the john.
Atmosphere 9/10
Love the set up, decorations, lighting. It's a good place to bring the family or a bunch of roommates, or a date. Plenty of seating and it definitely has that I'm-an-American-restaurant-trying-to-be-Mexican feel to it. Perfect place for a date night and good temperature. I hate being cold in restaurants or having to wear my winter coat inside while eating a pipin' hot burrito. It was good.
My final word: I'll go again. Not somewhere I would take my food critic of a sister there if I wanted to show her what "real" good tastin' food is. I just like the lax atmosphere. Oh, and they have Horchatas there which are my favorite thing ever, but I've never had one there. They must be good. I mean, how could a Horchata taste bad?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
"There's No Cabinet I Can't Reach"
My sister and I usually argue about one thing: Which is better, being tall or short? Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm 5'1" and my sister is 5'11"ish (or 6'2" according to her high school basketball roster). That's nearly a foot difference. We do come from the same parents, but I was lucky enough to get the good height genes. I guess it's about time that I let let everyone know that being shorter is just better.
Okay, I will give tall people some credit. A lot of super models are tall and if you are a tall balding man (or woman) nobody can see your bald spot. I'm sure there must be one or two other advantages to being tall, but frankly, I just can't think of the right now.
Let's do this debate in a nice civilized manner to satisfy both sides of the argument. While arguing the tall person's side, I will pretend to be my outrageously tall sister while adding my rebuttal. Similarly, to fight for the short advantages, I will give my point of view with my sister as the "defense attorney".
Amanda: "There's no cabinet that I can't reach."
Rebuttal: Step stools add a nice touch of furniture to the kitchen and allow for easy reach without extending to the "tip-toes" or feeling around the tall shelves blindly while becoming entangled in a spider web.

Simple as that.
Amanda: Tall people don't have to ask for help at the grocery store to get food down from the top shelf. Independence!
Rebuttal: First of all, all the good stuff is at eye level for the average human, and second, what's wrong with asking for a little help? Allow someone to serve you. Heck, if there's nobody around, what's wrong with a little climbing adventure?
Amanda: It's all about basketball. People who play in the key get more points and more recognition.
Rebuttal: Of course they get more points! They're only 3 feet away from the basket! But who is the person that passes it to them? The short guard. We rule the game. Determining winning or loosing is all about the point guard. May I just ask one question? Does the crowd cheer louder with a silly lay up by the center or the three-pointer by the shooting guard? I rest my case.
Now for the real benefits. Now, I have to admit, I don't have much time to list the hundreds of reasons why, so we're just going to have to settle for a few just for now. Upon e-mail request, I can send a full list of short benefits.
Me: Short people can be comfortable anywhere. Air plane? Why need more comfort than sitting in coach? 12 hour car drive? Heck, I'll sit in the middle the whole way! Sleep on your friend's love seat? I'll only wake up to an alarm clock.
Defense attorney: No comment.

Just screams comfort to me!
Me: It's not very common that you see a short guy with a taller girl. The only exception is the lovely couple that my brother and sister in-law make. Therefore, short girls get all the guys: short or tall. I married now and am very happy with my choice because I had one.
Defense attorney: No comment.
Me: We, the short people of America, don't grow out of our clothes quickly. It saves money and allows us to buy quality clothes, not a large quantity of sizes. Just think all the money that we save from clothes shopping. That money can be used to donate to the poor. I guess tall people could donate to the poor to, but then they would all have to shave their legs everyday and have an awkward belly tan.
Defense attorney: No comment.

Can some say nerd?
I could go on for days. But just to not make every tall person in the world go to bed crying tonight, I'll stop there.
Okay, I will give tall people some credit. A lot of super models are tall and if you are a tall balding man (or woman) nobody can see your bald spot. I'm sure there must be one or two other advantages to being tall, but frankly, I just can't think of the right now.
Let's do this debate in a nice civilized manner to satisfy both sides of the argument. While arguing the tall person's side, I will pretend to be my outrageously tall sister while adding my rebuttal. Similarly, to fight for the short advantages, I will give my point of view with my sister as the "defense attorney".
Amanda: "There's no cabinet that I can't reach."
Rebuttal: Step stools add a nice touch of furniture to the kitchen and allow for easy reach without extending to the "tip-toes" or feeling around the tall shelves blindly while becoming entangled in a spider web.

Simple as that.
Amanda: Tall people don't have to ask for help at the grocery store to get food down from the top shelf. Independence!
Rebuttal: First of all, all the good stuff is at eye level for the average human, and second, what's wrong with asking for a little help? Allow someone to serve you. Heck, if there's nobody around, what's wrong with a little climbing adventure?
Amanda: It's all about basketball. People who play in the key get more points and more recognition.
Rebuttal: Of course they get more points! They're only 3 feet away from the basket! But who is the person that passes it to them? The short guard. We rule the game. Determining winning or loosing is all about the point guard. May I just ask one question? Does the crowd cheer louder with a silly lay up by the center or the three-pointer by the shooting guard? I rest my case.
Now for the real benefits. Now, I have to admit, I don't have much time to list the hundreds of reasons why, so we're just going to have to settle for a few just for now. Upon e-mail request, I can send a full list of short benefits.
Me: Short people can be comfortable anywhere. Air plane? Why need more comfort than sitting in coach? 12 hour car drive? Heck, I'll sit in the middle the whole way! Sleep on your friend's love seat? I'll only wake up to an alarm clock.
Defense attorney: No comment.

Just screams comfort to me!
Me: It's not very common that you see a short guy with a taller girl. The only exception is the lovely couple that my brother and sister in-law make. Therefore, short girls get all the guys: short or tall. I married now and am very happy with my choice because I had one.
Defense attorney: No comment.
Me: We, the short people of America, don't grow out of our clothes quickly. It saves money and allows us to buy quality clothes, not a large quantity of sizes. Just think all the money that we save from clothes shopping. That money can be used to donate to the poor. I guess tall people could donate to the poor to, but then they would all have to shave their legs everyday and have an awkward belly tan.
Defense attorney: No comment.

Can some say nerd?
I could go on for days. But just to not make every tall person in the world go to bed crying tonight, I'll stop there.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What? A Whole Week Without an Opinion on Something?
My sister is right; I have gone an entire week without having some dumb opinion about something. I even thought about that as I was walking a half mile to my car after my classes were over. Let's face it; I'm in a bad mood right now. I took the worst molecular bio test today, and I just haven't been happy since. You know what I do when I am in a bad mood? I complain about EVERYTHING. I hate it when people complain, so I usually keep it to myself, but today, just for the heck of it, why don't I just let everyone know what really bugs me.
How about a numbered list for easy reading and eye breaks:
1. Okay, on facebook, please stop updating your status multiple times each day. Do you really think that people want to know what you are doing every time you change your activity or what kind of mood you are currently in? No. Nobody really cares. There is only one person that I have as a friend that actually post funny/interesting status updates frequently and if you're not him, just please stop.
By the way, he has the same name as my husband, so if you don't have the same name, I am not talking about your interesting updates.
Oh, and on top of your facebook updates, please stop talking to inanimate objects or telling your sickness to go away. Saying things like "Snow, I don't want you to come today. Please snow when..." or "Sniffles, why do you keep coming back. I thought I got rid of you". Just stop it. It's not even cute.
Oh, and gals, we know that you have the best husbands ever, but trust me, every girl thinks that her husband is the best. We don't need to hear the details. And you know what? When I read about your husband doing the dishes for you or making you dinner, sometimes I just think, does he only do it once a month when you post it on your status? Guys, this applies to you too. We know your fiance's the best, but if you didn't think she was, I don't think you would marry her. I think it's just a given you should keep to yourself.
2. Pick up your feet when you walk.
3. Stop asking me about government in China and the relationship with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Just because I've been there, doesn't mean I read about it in my spare time. Geeze. I went to Taiwan to be a missionary to teach about Jesus, not government, and I go to Hong Kong to visit family and shop, not to participate in political protest.
4. And Women, when you are only 3 or 4 weeks pregnant, you are NOT showing. Don't be sticking your belly out and posting pictures. You've just been taking the "eating for two" a little too seriously when in fact you're just eating for yourself and something the size of an amoeba.
5. Drive Safe? Drive Safe?! Come on, get your adverbs correct. It's Drive SafeLY!
6. Just a heads up if you ever come to my house for dinner or something, don't do my dishes after dinner, or even worse before dinner! It makes me feel like a worthless dirty slob. The only people who can do my dishes are me, John, and my mom. Oh, and my sister if she ever comes visit.
7. Insanity pleas. Only once in a while are they legit. However, Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper should be held responsible for her 9 months of kidnap and DAILY RAPE! He claims that they were married? Practicing polygyny? No means no man, even if you're married. And if it took me just singing a few church songs in court to make the jury think that I'm insane and will let me off the hook, bring it on! Pass the hymn book my way!
Bottom line, he needs to go to prison.
8. If you live in like the 99% of student housing that boarders campus, STOP DRIVING TO SCHOOL! You're taking my parking spots. Now, I use to be that spoiled little brat that use to drive to school when I lived walking distance away. You know what? I wished someone gave me a slap in the face and told me to stop it. I'm here to give you that verbal tongue lashing you deserve: the verbal slap in the face! Now that I live an hour walk away from school, I need to drive and when you little single students (or married student, but they usually live farther away) that live across the street from campus take my parking spots, I get mad. Anyway, it takes longer to warm up your car that it does to just walk to campus.
I think that is enough negativity for now. I feel a little better now getting that off my chest. Maybe half of these things won't bug me tomorrow when I'm in a good mood, but I just wanted to let you know what's running though my mind when I'm in a bad mood. Now I think it's time for me to read a little Christmas Ensign and eat a clementine to boost up my spirit.
How about a numbered list for easy reading and eye breaks:
1. Okay, on facebook, please stop updating your status multiple times each day. Do you really think that people want to know what you are doing every time you change your activity or what kind of mood you are currently in? No. Nobody really cares. There is only one person that I have as a friend that actually post funny/interesting status updates frequently and if you're not him, just please stop.
By the way, he has the same name as my husband, so if you don't have the same name, I am not talking about your interesting updates.
Oh, and on top of your facebook updates, please stop talking to inanimate objects or telling your sickness to go away. Saying things like "Snow, I don't want you to come today. Please snow when..." or "Sniffles, why do you keep coming back. I thought I got rid of you". Just stop it. It's not even cute.
Oh, and gals, we know that you have the best husbands ever, but trust me, every girl thinks that her husband is the best. We don't need to hear the details. And you know what? When I read about your husband doing the dishes for you or making you dinner, sometimes I just think, does he only do it once a month when you post it on your status? Guys, this applies to you too. We know your fiance's the best, but if you didn't think she was, I don't think you would marry her. I think it's just a given you should keep to yourself.
2. Pick up your feet when you walk.
3. Stop asking me about government in China and the relationship with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Just because I've been there, doesn't mean I read about it in my spare time. Geeze. I went to Taiwan to be a missionary to teach about Jesus, not government, and I go to Hong Kong to visit family and shop, not to participate in political protest.
4. And Women, when you are only 3 or 4 weeks pregnant, you are NOT showing. Don't be sticking your belly out and posting pictures. You've just been taking the "eating for two" a little too seriously when in fact you're just eating for yourself and something the size of an amoeba.
5. Drive Safe? Drive Safe?! Come on, get your adverbs correct. It's Drive SafeLY!
6. Just a heads up if you ever come to my house for dinner or something, don't do my dishes after dinner, or even worse before dinner! It makes me feel like a worthless dirty slob. The only people who can do my dishes are me, John, and my mom. Oh, and my sister if she ever comes visit.
7. Insanity pleas. Only once in a while are they legit. However, Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper should be held responsible for her 9 months of kidnap and DAILY RAPE! He claims that they were married? Practicing polygyny? No means no man, even if you're married. And if it took me just singing a few church songs in court to make the jury think that I'm insane and will let me off the hook, bring it on! Pass the hymn book my way!
Bottom line, he needs to go to prison.
8. If you live in like the 99% of student housing that boarders campus, STOP DRIVING TO SCHOOL! You're taking my parking spots. Now, I use to be that spoiled little brat that use to drive to school when I lived walking distance away. You know what? I wished someone gave me a slap in the face and told me to stop it. I'm here to give you that verbal tongue lashing you deserve: the verbal slap in the face! Now that I live an hour walk away from school, I need to drive and when you little single students (or married student, but they usually live farther away) that live across the street from campus take my parking spots, I get mad. Anyway, it takes longer to warm up your car that it does to just walk to campus.
I think that is enough negativity for now. I feel a little better now getting that off my chest. Maybe half of these things won't bug me tomorrow when I'm in a good mood, but I just wanted to let you know what's running though my mind when I'm in a bad mood. Now I think it's time for me to read a little Christmas Ensign and eat a clementine to boost up my spirit.
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